Tag Archives: public-transit

Couple Gets Busted Fuckking…and Other Videos of the Day

White Trash Fight Mailman Peeing on Porch… Dude Jerking off on Train… Dunkin Donuts VS Homeless man No Driver – Pizza Delivery Taking the Stairs… Dude Torments Dogs Racist Woman on Public Transit The post Couple Gets Busted Fuckking…and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Couple Gets Busted Fuckking…and Other Videos of the Day

Ariel Winter is Dumpy of the Day

In case you were wondering….Ariel Winter is still dumpy… I hope you weren’t wondering that….because I like to think you’re a sophisticated person not even aware of who Ariel Winter is…. You know the kind of brilliant mind who comes to visit my site for my compelling, yet flimsy, useless, yet inspiring, commentary that doesn’t fucking matter….you know as part of your thesis on where the internet has gone wrong or some shit…because you’re smart…and focused…driven and an earner…you have yachts and you fuck models.. Unfortunately, you’re more white trash, woman hating, half retard pervert who still has cable, and who doesn’t know how to read, but instead just knows how to spell “show me your tits” and “send nudes”…..to girls who ignore you because they don’t know how you got their number…and find you weird…when you stare at them on public transit, the mall…or at the shitty job you work… You know exactly who Ariel Winter is because you’ve been jerking off to her pot belly and newly shaped tits for her young adult life… Creep. Well, you’ll be glad to know she’s in a crop top, that’s really a regular size shirt, but it can’t quite make it past her belly and she can’t admit she’s an XL not a XS…you know…girl problems… TO SEE THERE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ariel Winter is Dumpy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ariel Winter is Dumpy of the Day

Drunk Woman Strips in Store and Other Videos of the Day

Woman with No Underwear on In Intersection Girl with Headphones On – Doesn’t Look Both Ways Behind Crossing the Tracks Guy Accused of Touching a Girl on the Bus….Unleashes Pepper Spray Shooting Range Fail… Woman Hit with a Skateboard on Public Transit Just a Man Catching Himself on Fire Fucking with Mormons Couple not Phased by Arm Robbery in a Bar Dude in White Shirt Stabs a Guy who Was Mad He Peed on His Lawn Little Kid Defending His Family from Inspectors… The post Drunk Woman Strips in Store and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Drunk Woman Strips in Store and Other Videos of the Day

Guy Caught Masturbating Sniffing his Shoe and Other Videos of the Day

Mistress Gets Beaten and Thrown off a Bridge Drunken Speed Bump Cops VS 15 Year Old Toronto Hipster VS Homeless Man Racist Crazy Person Space X Rocket Fail Outback Dentistry Manhole Explodes in China Dude Eats a Live Chick Dude Tripping Out gets Hit By a Car Serbian News Interrupted with Gun Snorting Drugs on Public Transit Cross Fit Asshole of the Day The post Guy Caught Masturbating Sniffing his Shoe and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Guy Caught Masturbating Sniffing his Shoe and Other Videos of the Day

Emily VanCamp is in Her Bikini in Monaco of the Day

Emily VanCamp is someone who I have never heard of, which is pretty fucking unfortunate, because before she was on TV, some show called Revenge I’ve never heard of, which isn’t saying much, cuz I don’t watch TV….she was living in Montreal…..and I live in Montreal…meaning I could have crossed paths with her at the Canadian national dogsled games, or at the igloo building ceremony, or at the ice wall dance party….I coulda flashed this bitch my cock on public transit after school, you know before she was fucking famous…but I fuck up all opportunities…and it usually takes a photo of a vagina in dolphin position in the pool to make me realize my shortcomings by not cumming, failure at life. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Emily VanCamp is in Her Bikini in Monaco of the Day

Still Waiting on Pippa Middleton to Crack of the Day

I know these pictures of Pippa are horrible. They are boring…and of a bitch just walking down the street…not doing anything erotic, or flashing anything accidentally. Even the biggest pervert, the kind of pervert who pulls out his dick on public transit, couldn’t get off to shit like this…but I also know that eventually Pippa is gonna crack….She’s a fucking time bomb that’s gonna one day go off….because soon enough all the pressure and feelings of being second rate to her Royal Sister…is gonna end in nudity, cries for attention. I’ve seen it with spoiled brats before and I’m sure we will see it again…..it is just a matter of time… So think of these boring pics of her as the calm before the amazingly erotic storm….that we all know is gonna hit….

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Still Waiting on Pippa Middleton to Crack of the Day

Worldchanging 2003-2010

Six years ago, the green blogosphere was pretty much TreeHugger for the lite, Grist for the funny, but if you were serious, there was Worldchanging. And it was Worldchanging. Co-founder Jamais Cascio wrote on November 19, 2003: We’re under no illusions. The world is stumbling its way to hell, environmentally, politically, economically — but whining about it isn’t going to change it. What can give us hope is a combination of good ideas, novel tools, innovative technologies, unexpected collaboration, and a healthy … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Worldchanging 2003-2010

Meet the 98% Recyclable Subway Car – Coming in 2012 (Video)

Good public transportation is an increasingly important element for any city, especially as the trend towards urbanization continues its steady march. As we all know, mass transit relieves congestion, reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and saves a good deal of energy. So whenever I catch wind of a project that goes beyond the already-green parameters of typical transit, I can’t help but get a little tingly. Poland, for instance, has announced it will be bringing what may be the greenest subway cars yet to the Warsaw underground: Not only are they… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Meet the 98% Recyclable Subway Car – Coming in 2012 (Video)

New App, Weeels, Arrives Just In Time To Help New Yorkers Order and Share Car Services

photo: Emily Carmichael Anyone who has ever tried hailing a cab in NYC downtown on a weekend night knows it can be a combat sport. And then try getting that cabbie to take you to Brooklyn. If you live in Brooklyn along the G line just getting around by bus or subway can drive you mad. And things have just gotten worse for public transit riders. Fortunately for New Yorkers with iPhones (and soon, any smart phone), a new application called “Weeels”, may alleviate some of the pain by giving riders the ability to order and share a car service for immediate pick-up. – a faster, more customizable kind of public transit…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New App, Weeels, Arrives Just In Time To Help New Yorkers Order and Share Car Services

Chinese Woman Goes Nuts on a Black Woman on the Bus in San Francisco Chinatown of the Day

Here’s a funny video that is doing the rounds of a San Franciso bus ride where a Chinese woman and a black woman get into a full on fight over a seat, which reminds me how shitty public transit because people are all uptight because they are on public transit, forced to get cramped the fuck in and reflect on how shitty their life is that they can’t afford a fuckin car.

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Chinese Woman Goes Nuts on a Black Woman on the Bus in San Francisco Chinatown of the Day