As if it wasn’t enough that Anna Paquin has every creature in Bon Temps throwing himself at her, she’s decided to expand her horizons even further. In a new PSA for the Give a Damn campaign, an LGBT rights project started by Cyndi Lauper’s True Colors Fund, the True Blood actress comes out as bisexual. Inspired today in the writers room, Alan Ball is asking, “What do we think about a Sookie/Tara fling?” Luckily, a story editor is there to sensibly reply, “Only if we can make Tara a rabid were-fairy first.” Video, after the jump:

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Anna Paquin Reveals Bisexuality, Female Wolves and Vampires Suddenly Intrigued
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged after-the-jump, anna paquin, british, colors-fund, continues-its, coveted, jump, pettyfer, sci-fi-epic, sheryl crow, writers