Tag Archives: obsessed-world

Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day

Kate Mara was raped in some movie…and people loved it…not because people like rape…or maybe they do…I know a lot of girls I talk to have Rape fetishes…along with Gangbang fetishes…I also know I am asked by girls to choke, fuck, and pretty much beat them when we fuck…you know getting spit in their face and spanked, even punched…I’m not into that shit…but they are…. I mean, the other day a girl, a normal fucking girl, was asking me how she could get raped…my answer “Go to South Africa”…not a message sponsored by the oursim board…just based on 2010 national AIDS rate stats… Oh wait….that was her sister…ROONEY MARA….oops Well, this one’s been in movies and clearly in a new movie, showing what could be nipple on Esquire…because showing nipple is key…to being relevant in this nipple obsessed world… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day

Juno Temple’s Nipples for Some Magazine of the Day

I’ve done a few Juno Temple posts , but I still don’t really know who she is. I just know she’s got a silly name, but more importantly, that She’s been naked in moves and has pretty rockin’ tits, tits she’s not scared to put out there because tits get her more work, more fans, and leaves the world a happier place. I mean she doesn’t even have to be talented, intelligent, just willing expose herself, that’s all it takes, in this tit obsessed world So her photoshoot with nipple, may not be all that inspiring, or shocking, but I like this think at least it happened, because she could have very easily put a bra on, even if that is out of character or who she is at her core and what she succeeds at.

Originally posted here:
Juno Temple’s Nipples for Some Magazine of the Day