Tag Archives: feel-compelled

Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day

What the world needs now, more than anything, is Iggy Azalea fake ass in a thong doing a booty pop…. You know because it’s the single most important thing going on in the world, fuck the Olympics, School Shooting, Gun Laws, people going broke, scamming….it’s about some obscure, non-famous, who has no official hit songs, scammer…and her scamming ass…screaming for attention trying to make it all about her… She’s trash and plays that up…and this is nothing to jerk off to…but I feel compelled to post it and have no idea why…seriously no one cares about Iggy Azalea, even when she tries so hard to make them care, she’s just a bottom of the barrel bottom feeding piece of shit who probably doesn’t realize when she does shit thanks to nerve damage from all the ass injections to get black people to like her and take her seriously.. The post Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Iggy Azalea Fat Fake Ass in a Thong of the Day

Nicole Kidman Photoshoot Erotica is So Uncomfortable of the Day

I don’t know when these pictures of Nicole Kidman are from, I guess I never really locked in that Stellar Magazine subscription I always wanted, you know because I’m a degenerate who can’t afford things like fancy magazines that feature Nicole Kidman in them…especially not in an era of why kill the trees I will see all the weird slutty pics on the internet eventually.. Well, I can’t say I’d expect Nicole Kidman pictures to be anything but awkward, uncomfortable and weird…she is a robot that was created by scientology…before the technology was really there… But I can say, it’s nice to see that they made her waterproof…. She must be 60 years old by now, she seems to have been around forever, but I guess that could just be some alien programming shit that is making me think that…who knows… Good tits…though…better when she’s showing off that ginger bush….or transparent ginger nipples really…but I’ll take what I can get or what is given to me…that I feel compelled to post and say “what’s going on here”… The post Nicole Kidman Photoshoot Erotica is So Uncomfortable of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nicole Kidman Photoshoot Erotica is So Uncomfortable of the Day

Big Girl Kelly Brook in a Bathing Suit of the Day

I am pretty mean to Kelly Brook, a lot of people would say that I am mean to all these bitches, and that instead of just letting them do their thing, I feel compelled to shit on them, and not because I have a feces / german scat fetish, but because I’m some angry impotent, small penis, loser who doesn’t leave my house and I am jealous girls like this won’t fuck me, or that girls in general won’t fuck me, even though I’m a miserably married man to an obese woman – and I think all I’m doing is calling out someone who makes a living, or barely a living but a living nonetheless, by putting herself out there, despite being 40, as a titty model like EMRata, who wants a legit career – you know take the tits to the mainstream or whatever… I lacked empathy when she had announced she was pregnant – and engaged and so happy a bunch of years ago, then was no longer pregnant and moving to LA to take her titty modeling to hollywood….I laughed and laughed at the “miscarriage” and really rode that storyline I call the ABORTION years… for absolutely no reason….but then I met UK Rugby players who told me a bunch of them fucked her and laughed and laughed about how fat she was – and I felt like I wasn’t so bad…I mean people who actually no her think she’s the worst and make fun of her…I’m just pointing out the obvious – and I only point out the obvious because people don’t seem to care when these big tits are also fat – it’s like big tits erase all flaws and hypnotize you into seeing just tits – and tits – is all she has – so it works out for her – it must she’s always got new boyfriends….like the slut she likely is… The post Big Girl Kelly Brook in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Big Girl Kelly Brook in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Taylor Swift has Long Legs of the Day

A day is not a day, unless you look at Taylor Swifts Legs….which contrast nicely against her Donkey face…because you know, if she was in an anthropomorphic world…or movie…those teeth would be set on an awkward and clumsy long legged donkey…but instead they are on some hack of a popstar that has very little to offer, but who everyone loves, because she positioned herself strategically through country music and playing the victim, like every girl I have had sex with…but at least they are actually victims…I wouldn’t want for anyone I respect to live with that…which works out nicely…because I don’t respect anyone who has sex with me, I’m more the “I can’t believe you’re doing this, or allowing me to do this, what the hell is wrong with you”… Not that that has anything to do with Taylor Swift and her mastermind of how the media and popculture works…in a “everyone is my friend, I’m so awkward, that’s why I collect models for Barbies”….kind of way…. To See the Rest of the Pics – CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift has Long Legs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift has Long Legs of the Day

Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day

Sophie Simmons is really milking this instagram model concept hard…even though she looks more like what needs milking….#boobs I don’t know anything about her, other than that she’s got a huge trust fund, she will inherit more money than god when her control freak father dies, and as a hobby, instead of taking up crotchet, or maybe a team sport, or helping the homeless, because they homeless smell bad….she’s decided to set up photoshoots of herself, for herself, and I guess her fans…because she saw a window of opportunity as all the other fat models started getting work…where she could do a whole “own my body, own my life” bullshit angle, that involves her spending days at the gym and bikini because she doesn’t actually love her body, or own her body, she is just open to showing it to you as she tries to get to a place where she too is a skinny girl…because the skinny girls are the ones the guys like best…and sure it may not be for guys, but what is she doing this for, if she’s got all the money in the world…seems like “Likes” is the currency she’s addicted to… The whole thing is weird, I don’t mind girls in panties at all, obviously, but the idea of every girl posting her panties…just doesn’t make sense to me.Sure I’m glad it happens…But when did underwear become something people feel compelled to share… I liked it better when you had to manipulate girls into that…when it just gets put out there…boring. The post Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day

Rita Ora’s Clickbait Song of the Day

Every one except Stephen Colbert know that TV is dead, talk shows are dead, the only people watching that shit are old and in the habit of watching TV, because even kids who watch TV, don’t bother watching nightly programming, they just fucking binge or use the internet.. So nightly talk shows are more a vehicle to produce viral stunts with celebrities, because they still have access to celebrities, and if they are well executed they get spread the fuck around, making money on youtube for these people, because that’s what matters… The two players are redundant childhood schoolyard idiot Jimmmy “Giggles’ Fallon…and this Jimmy, who’s team emails me everyday and I just figured I’d link it, because Rihanna Impersonator with Tits is doing the rounds, singing about the biggest mistake I’ve ever made in my life…Clickbait.. Clickbait…will haunt my existence….forever…because I’ve known about it since the late 90s…in pushing internet traffic…but I never took that knowledge mainstream to make 100,000,000 or more off of it… Instead I come here and post barely celebs singing barely songs for youtube views..a video I had nothing to do with…just to write my angry caption to it… I’d rather be homeless. I didn’t watch this video…so if it’s bad…blame yourselves for clicking.. The post Rita Ora’s Clickbait Song of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora’s Clickbait Song of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Grinds her Vag of the Day

I have no idea why I feel compelled to post this ad for some Jeans company that isn’t paying me to promote their ad that they probably paid a lot of money for… But I think it has something to do with Candice Swanepoel grinding her recently engaged vag onto some male model head.. I am not that excited by model on male model head…if anything I find it boring, but I find Candice Swanepoel boring…hot but boring…and the only redeeming thing she has going for her is that she’s a racist slave owner in South Africa…not because I am a racist or into South African racists, but at least she’s got something going on other than posing half naked for money… I guess what I am trying to say is why did they censor her tits…I get it…to promote their product…but this should create an outrage…riots…show us the tits we can just google to see….because we don’t like recycling our tit pics…we always want new tit pics… TO SEE HER VICTORIA”S SECRET BORING AS FUCK CATALOG PICS CLICK HERE The post Candice Swanepoel Grinds her Vag of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Candice Swanepoel Grinds her Vag of the Day

100 Years of Lingerie because Why Not of the Day

These Youtube videos are the fucking worst..but for some reason…I feel compelled to post it, even though 3,000,000 people have already seen it, old news, but since no one visits the site for the latest of anything, even though I surprisingly post a lot of this nonsense before other sites, while not even trying, which I guess is a testament to how shitty other publications are… That said, I didn’t watch this video, but it has the word lingerie in it and that is just a direct connection to my brain and what I think is relevant.. I like big tits too… I’m basic… The post 100 Years of Lingerie because Why Not of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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100 Years of Lingerie because Why Not of the Day

Cara Delevingne for Top Shop Holiday of the Day

Cara Delevingne reminds me of the annoying handicapped girl with social skills, who was awkward as fuck and made you feel uncomfortable whenever she was around, but that put herself out there and the popular kids hung out with her – because she was fun and entertaining, and not overly embarrassing…there is just something off about her – and I am not talking about her heroin addiction, or poor little rich girl winning at life with celebrity stamp of approval, because she’s the it-girl…despite being ugly…or maybe I am… Here’s a campaign she booked for Top Shop – the video is jokes… TO SEE HER HOT IN A BLACK DRESS AT AN EVENT CLICK HERE

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Cara Delevingne for Top Shop Holiday of the Day

Miley Cyrus is Crazy on Instagram of the Day

Miley Cyrus in her bathrobe pushing out her tits – is one of the highlights of my day – because I guess I’ve been won over and sucked into Miley Cyrus and her weird as fuck creative team’s movement… They do their weird as fuck instagram pictures that you know don’t come from a talented place, but from a try hard trying hard place, but I guess that’s what art is about these days, being weird for the sake of being weird…and the people, too dumb to really look at it, just eat it up, cuz it is Miley Cyrus..and she’s famous… The reality is she could have taken any angle – and chose hipster topless chick – instead of prude country girl – and I guess that’s a good thing..

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Miley Cyrus is Crazy on Instagram of the Day