Tag Archives: really-milking

Britney Spears Is Fit As F%ck

Holy Moses! Britney Spears is fit as f%ck!!! I have to give to her. She really has put in the work and it is paying off. I know her time as a pop princess is over, but but now she can actually give some youngsters a good run for their money. Keep up the good work!                  

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Britney Spears Is Fit As F%ck

Jessica Lowndes Is Hard At Work

Jessica Lowndes took my advice and is really milking her social media as hard as she can. Last post, I said she needs to find her niche and she has. And that is going on vacation and spending time in a bikini with friends. It’s a hard life for an above average looking chick.            

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Jessica Lowndes Is Hard At Work

Jessica Lowndes Is Hard At Work

Jessica Lowndes took my advice and is really milking her social media as hard as she can. Last post, I said she needs to find her niche and she has. And that is going on vacation and spending time in a bikini with friends. It’s a hard life for an above average looking chick.            

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Jessica Lowndes Is Hard At Work

Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day

Sophie Simmons is really milking this instagram model concept hard…even though she looks more like what needs milking….#boobs I don’t know anything about her, other than that she’s got a huge trust fund, she will inherit more money than god when her control freak father dies, and as a hobby, instead of taking up crotchet, or maybe a team sport, or helping the homeless, because they homeless smell bad….she’s decided to set up photoshoots of herself, for herself, and I guess her fans…because she saw a window of opportunity as all the other fat models started getting work…where she could do a whole “own my body, own my life” bullshit angle, that involves her spending days at the gym and bikini because she doesn’t actually love her body, or own her body, she is just open to showing it to you as she tries to get to a place where she too is a skinny girl…because the skinny girls are the ones the guys like best…and sure it may not be for guys, but what is she doing this for, if she’s got all the money in the world…seems like “Likes” is the currency she’s addicted to… The whole thing is weird, I don’t mind girls in panties at all, obviously, but the idea of every girl posting her panties…just doesn’t make sense to me.Sure I’m glad it happens…But when did underwear become something people feel compelled to share… I liked it better when you had to manipulate girls into that…when it just gets put out there…boring. The post Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sophie Simmons Instagram Modeling of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord Showing Off Leg of the Day

AnnaLynne McCord is still doing the Hollywood circuit, you know going to events and having people take pictures of her, really milking her fame and I guess she should because I doubt it is going to last. I don’t think she’s hot, or interesting and I don’t watch her show and assume that means no one else does, because depsite popular belief, I am the microcosm of America…. At least she’s showing off her little tits…so we don’t have to look at her face…Good job Ugly.

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AnnaLynne McCord Showing Off Leg of the Day