Chantelle Houghton was a low level Glamour Model from the UK, but in her defence, they are all pretty fucking low level, who bottom fed her way into getting some level of publicity, that she probably from being some skinny fake tit Paris Hilton type without the trust fund staging up skirts but now she’s taken that “big brother trash”…to the next level of putting herself out there, this time showing off her fat ass body, that may be broken down thanks to being a mom, or that just may be broken down thanks to being a broken women who’s dreams and aspirations of being a top level fame whore, rather than a low level fame whore, never panned out… All this to say, this new “I’m fat look at me half naked and talk about me so I can pretend I take ownership on it, even though my entire existence has been a vapid superficial cunt with plastic surgery, and this fat thing is just an angle to get noticed”…publicity stunting is the fucking worst for those of us who like our fame whores fit. It’s funny when the fake face, tan, make-up, hair, body, comes off, you really see how ugly this girl is and you get why she tried so fucking hard… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
The rest is here:
Chanetlle Houghton’s New Type of Publicity Stunt of the Day