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A n act of kindness displayed by three young Black men from Florida has warmed the hearts of people across the nation. According to Yahoo Lifestyle , a video that captured the men helping an elderly couple into their car has gone viral. A police officer in Florida recently saw three young Black men helping an elderly couple, and decided to film them and share it with the world! (The officer told reporters, “I know… — Black News (@BlackNews) February 8, 2019 The men were at a gas station store when they noticed Rose Griest , 89, and her husband David Griest , 100, having a hard time getting into their vehicle. As Griest tried to assist his wife with sitting in the passenger’s seat safely, her legs gave out. The group of men— Freddy G , Marty , and Joc Koe Stoe —stepped in to ensure that she was okay. “We didn’t even ask if they needed help — we felt comfortable giving them a hand right away,” Marty told the news outlet. “I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’.” Officer Kenesha Carnegie from the Levy County Sheriff’s Office captured the special moment on camera and posted the video on social media. The video has now garnered millions of views. “I look over and three men were assisting the couple — it was a beautiful thing to see,” said Carnegie. “I know these men from the neighborhood, and I wanted them to have that moment to show who they really are.” The elderly couple—who have been married for two decades—were thankful that the men gave them a helping hand. Their family is also grateful that the men were there to help too. Their grandson Tommy Griest came across the video on Facebook. “I was scrolling through and saw my grandmother’s purple outfit. Praise these guys for helping them,” he said. Witnessing acts like the one displayed by these young men restores faith in humanity at a time when our country is so divided. Check out the video of the special moment below. SEE ALSO: Judge Inspires At-Risk Camden Teen To Become A Lawyer Candle Brand Launched By Three Black Youngsters Featured At Macy’s [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”3844698″ overlay=”true”]
Act Of Kindness Displayed By Black Men In Florida Goes Viral