Within the first five minutes of Robert Rodriguez’s Machete , his cheeky, freewheeling return to exploitation homage, there’s a car crash, a mutilation, a decapitation, a baker’s dozen deaths by blade, a naked lady, and a Steven Seagal sighting. And that’s not even mentioning the clamshell cell tucked up the naked lady’s hoo-ha. Then the film ramps right up to a pseudo-vintage, sprocket-skipping title sequence that promises the most deliciously random cast in recent memory: Jessica Alba AND Lindsay Lohan, Seagal AND Robert De Niro, a Nash Bridges reunion AND a Danny Trejo leading-man coronation. Though the film can’t reasonably maintain this 10-gags-a-minute trajectory, it sure does try. Forget modulation, nuance or storytelling, this is a movie that hits hard from first to last, no questions asked or logic followed.
See the rest here:
REVIEW: Machete Cuts Just Deep Enough to Leave a Mark
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged danny-trejo, dignity, might-even, Movies, New Movie, questions-asked, reality, steven seagal, the-dignity, though-the-film, title-sequence