Tag Archives: because-idiots

Lady Gaga is Repulsive in Short Shorts of the Day

Lady Gaga released a new album and in doing press the only way she’s ever really known how…to be scandalous, half naked, an exhinitionist putting herself out there… We all know that Lady Gaga – without the Lady Gaga part of her – I don’t know what her birth name is – but that girl…independent of celebrity and her bullshit…is someone inseucre becasue no one fucked her when she was weak chinned and growing up…and her career is just a reflection of that feeling unaccepted, weird and like a failure… You know, her whole performance art angle, that isn’t art – because she’s not an artist, she’s a dancing monkey doing dancing monkey things…for money.. She’s not an artist, but rather a talented at writing commercial bullshit songs that her label positioned as art – because idiots believe everything they are told…and idiots get her paid… So withouth Lady Gaga, she is someone you wouldn’t really want to see naked, the kind of girl in your neighborhood or high school or working your local drug store that you’d be “put on some damn pants you pig, save the hot clothes for the hot girls…”..but when it’s Gaga…it’s like “keep being half naked, we’ll stare and maybe people will write about you and buy your album, which is your goal in all this, because you’re not rich enough, if you were you wouldn’t be skimming off the top of your Gaga charity…you garbage pile of sloppy chick shit… Nice outfit though… The post Lady Gaga is Repulsive in Short Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lady Gaga is Repulsive in Short Shorts of the Day