Tag Archives: specifically

13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

On this day, and indeed all days, we need to take some time to appreciate all the gifts that Ireland has given us. Specifically, right at this moment, we need to appreciate all the hot people who hail from the Emerald Isle. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy all the beauty! 1. Michael Fassbender Michael here is half Irish, half German. He can speak German fluently, but he grew up in Ireland. He can also rock the hell out of a t-shirt. 2. Olivia Wilde Olivia Wilde, stupidly gorgeous human, has an Irish father — she spent her summers in Ireland as a child, and she even has citizenship there! 3. Jamie Dornan Mr. Christian Grey himself hails from the suburbs of Belfast. 4. Liam Neeson No words. Just heart-eyes. 5. Colin Farrell Could Colin be the MOST famous attractive person from Ireland? It’s a distinct possibility. 6. Jonathan Rhys Meyers Sure, this guy has had gone through some hard times, but still, look how pretty! View Slideshow

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13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: See The Trailer for Their New Show!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierrra are best known for being on Teen Mom OG. Specifically, they're best known for being the cutest couple on Teen Mom OG. They could actually be the cutest couple on reality television in general … But what with all the struggles they've been having recently — Tyler's extremely disappointing body-shaming comments to Catelynn, their arguments over her mental illness — we'll have to put a hold on calling that one. But the point is that they're wonderful … and that we're about to see a whole lot more of them. Catelynn and Tyler got their own show! It's called Teen Mom: Reunited, and it's all about putting people in touch with long lost loved ones. There will be an emphasis on reuniting birth mothers and their adopted kids, but we'll also see other sad scenarios. It sounds like a very sweet concept, but it's extra nice because it means so much to them, and to Tyler in particular. He's been promoting it on social media for weeks now, calling it his “passion project.” “I'm so excited to be able to share my passion with you guys!” he adorably tweeted. The show premieres on December 5th on MTV at 10/9c, but you can watch the touching trailer right here:

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Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: See The Trailer for Their New Show!

Fourth of July Recipe Tips: Fire Up the Grill!

Happy July 4, celebrity gossip lovers!   While this is a time to hit the beach, hang with family and watch fireworks, we all know what this holiday is truly about: FOOD!   Specifically, July is about grilling – and we're here to help with the following patriotically awesome recipes. 1. Patriotic Pasta To do something different with your pasta salad this year, try boiling your noodles in water colored with food coloring. 2. Corn on the Cob Want to make your corn on the cob amazing? GRILL IT! Shuck it and throw it over the coals. Slather with butter, sprinkle with salt, or coat it with mayonnaise! 3. Burgers It doesn’t get more perfect than a juicy grilled burger. The little flag just sort of makes it, don’t you think? (Mustard on the bottom bun, people!) 4. Coleslaw Spice up your slaw with slices of jalapeno and squeezes of lime juice! 5. Baked Beans It’s hard to top baked beans as the perfect side dish for a barbecue. We won’t tell if you just open a can and pretend you slaved away. 6. Fruit Flag As either an appetizer or dessert, this fruit flag – made from strawberry, banana, and blueberry kabobs – dresses up the table! View Slideshow

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Fourth of July Recipe Tips: Fire Up the Grill!

13 Things We Would Really Love to Do With Kate Upton

We adore Kate Upton. It was love at first sight, and it never faded. She’s worked hard to earn and keep our love since we first laid eyes on her, and unlike some stars whose appeal fades with time, hers has only grown. Versatile and talented, stunningly beautiful yet still down-to-earth and approachable, she’s the real deal. We simply can’t get enough of the 21-year-old. With a mile-long list of desirable attributes, she’s the All-American dream girl, and there’s no one else we’d rather be with, no matter the circumstances. Whatever it is we were doing (and we can think of plenty of fun activities), we would have a blast, because … just look at her. How could you not?! Specifically, are 13 things we would really love to do with her … 13 Things We Would Do With Kate Upton 1. Take a Yoga Class Not only would you share a moment of zen and stretch muscles you didn’t even know you had, but Kate Upton would be wearing a tight-fitting workout top AND yoga pants.

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13 Things We Would Really Love to Do With Kate Upton

Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry: Married!

Sara Gilbert married her longtime girlfriend Linda Perry on Sunday, almost one year ago after the singer-songwriter popped the question in an L.A. park. Gilbert opened up about the news on her hit CBS talk show, saying: “I happened to be talking about gay marriage and I thank you all for your support on that issue. That was before I had any idea about any of this.” “I’m super shy and don’t usually want to tell anything … But I wanted you guys to know because I feel like you’re a part of our family here.” According to Gilbert, Perry planned a romantic proposal with a backup guitar player and brass band that she put together specifically for the big event. “We go to a park … it’s really sweet and there’s this guy sitting playing guitar, like a street musician, and he starts playing a song that we love,” she recalled. “I’m like, ‘Oh, that’s so weird, this is so magical and amazing.'” “So that ends, and she’s like, ‘Oh, I’m gonna ask him to play this other song,’ but this other song is really obscure and this guy wouldn’t know it, but magically he knows it.” The next thing that The Talk star knew, she said, fellow picnickers pulled out instruments and joined the guitarist to serenade the couple with “Love Song.” At which point, Perry put on a series of T-shirts that each had one word, finally forming the question “Will You Marry Me?” Which is the best proposal ever. Congratulations to the couple on their marriage!

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Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry: Married!

Guy Selling Engagement Ring "Once Worn By Satan Herself" on Craigslist

If you’re looking for a used engagement ring that Satan herself (or at least a Pennsylvania woman) once wore, a guy is selling exactly that on Craigslist. It can be all yours for $1,800! Guy Sells Engagement Ring “Once Worn By Satan” For a brief period, the diamond was worn by “Satan herself,” the Craigslist user writes, before describing the abject terror he was subjected to as a result. Let’s just say that the affordable rate already accounts for some of the risks the buyer assumes in taking possession of this purportedly toxic stone. Swarms of locusts, fire, brimstone, etc. Sounds pretty bad for such a nice-looking symbol of love. Their engagement apparently didn’t end well . His full posting reads: “For sale I have a 1.5 ct total weight engagement ring set in 14K white gold. The ring is in like new condition, only worn for a short period of time by Satan herself.” “Comes with the original box. Very pretty ring. Lower setting so the diamonds won’t snag on everything. Diamonds along the sides and in the channel setting show off light from all sides.” Sounds awesome for under two grand! But there’s a but coming. A whole bunch of them, to be exact. We’re talking Biblical proportions of buts here. “Originally purchased from Littman’s for a sum of money far greater than I am comfortable admitting.” “Warning: ring may be cursed as it tends to leave a path of destruction behind it.” “Possible events associated with this ring include but are not limited to: damage sustained to house, vehicle, heart, downed powerlines, fallen trees, and swarms of locust.” Basically, it’s yours for the aforementioned rate, but buyer beware. “I would highly recommend taking action to counter the whirlwind of bad mojo that surround this piece of jewelry.” “Should consider having curse removed by voodoo priest or something before presenting to loved one. Other than that a very nice piece of jewelry.” “Looking to sell this soon before it brings any more bad luck into my life and I’d rather have cash. If not sold by Christmas I plan to throw it into the fires of Mordor.” So, there you have it. Any takers?

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Guy Selling Engagement Ring "Once Worn By Satan Herself" on Craigslist

Watch Reign Online: Season 1 Episode 7

Reign Season 1 Episode 7 taught fans of the freshman CW drama plenty of things. Specifically, Olivia is not always intelligent, Greer is not always willing to play nice, and Diane is not always the passive onlooker she often appears to be. Most significantly of all, we learned that Catherine is one complex character. Whether she’s a hero, a villain or somewhere in between remains to be seen, but with each passing week, we get more and more hooked on her diva-like antics. Miss it last night? Watch Reign Season 1 Episode 7 online right here: Watch Reign Season 1 Episode 7

Watch Reign Online: Season 1 Episode 7

Seven Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get A Tattoo

If I could turn back the time I would ask myself a few important questions before deciding to ink three tattoos on my body. Specifically regarding the most embarrassing one plastered on my right arm of my name. Like seriously, do I not know my own name and how to spell it? So to save you from experiencing a horrible tattoo tale I’ve complied 7 questions to ask yourself before getting one… Continued at MadameNoire.com

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Seven Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Get A Tattoo

As Freddie Begs for More Cash, AP’s Zibel Perpetuates Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Myths

There are quite a few shaky assertions in Alan Zibel’s Associated Press report yesterday about Freddie Mac’s latest quarterly loss ($6 billion), its latest bailout installment request to the U.S. Treasury ($1.8 billion), and the cumulative taxpayer bailout amounts that have been paid out to Freddie Mac and big sister Fannie Mae thus far ($148.2 billion) — too many to cover in a blog post. So I’ll concentrate on the howlers present in just a single paragraph near the end, wherein the AP reporter attempts to explain why the two formerly government-sponsored mortgage giants that are now government-bailout enterprises ran into the ditch. The verbiage pretty much states the meme that the establishment press seems to want the public to swallow about what went down, and who’s to blame: During the housing boom, Fannie and Freddie faced political pressure to expand homeownership and competitive pressure from Wall Street to back ever-riskier loans. When the market went bust, defaults and foreclosures piled up, and the government had to take them over. Zibel treats the two giants as if they were innocent bystanders in a boom that “just so happened” to coincide with the political pressures it faced. Nonsense. It’s more accurate to say that Fan and Fred fed the boom to the point of being its major cause . Many already know that in 1999, Fannie Mae announced looser lending standards (Fred soon followed; go here to see what this specifically meant). Even the New York Times was a bit concerned at the time: In moving, even tentatively, into this new area of lending, Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980’s. ”From the perspective of many people, including me, this is another thrift industry growing up around us,” said Peter Wallison a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. ”If they fail, the government will have to step up and bail them out the way it stepped up and bailed out the thrift industry.” Probably much more important is something that is about the best-kept secret outside of the Wall Street Journal in the establishment press. In a December 29, 2009 article, the aforementioned Wallison conveyed an assertion by Edward Pinto, who is certainly in a position to know, that, as far back as 1993, Fan and Fred “routinely misrepresented the mortgages they were acquiring, reporting them as prime when they had characteristics that made them clearly subprime or Alt-A.” In other words, they deceived the financial markets and the ratings agencies on a massive scale about the underlying quality ofhundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars of securitized mortgages. If Zibel isn’t aware of this, he should be. If this has anything to do with “competitive pressure,” I’d like him to explain how that’s the case. It’s also not written in stone that “the government had to take them over.” Perhaps it felt obligated because of the implicit guarantees against default (they were not explicit, despite Zibel’s claim that they were), but the legal requirement for Uncle Sam to take over Fan and Fred in troubled circumstances was not there. Zibel wants readers to believe that Fan and Fred were really just victims of a “market (that) went bust” during the final year of the Bush administration. No sir, it has become painfully apparent that they sowed the seeds of that bust by committing fraud on what may be an unprecedented scale all the way back to the early Clinton years. Taxpayers are now reaping the whirlwind. Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com .

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As Freddie Begs for More Cash, AP’s Zibel Perpetuates Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Myths

Old People Fight: Joni Mitchell Vs. Bob Dylan

Link: http://www.popeater.com/2010/04/23/jo… Joni Mitchell has some feelings about Bob Dylan! Specifically that he is a plagiarist. The whole interview is pretty nutty and great, you should read it. Read