The half naked young pussy parade continues…which gives me hope that there will be a revival in celebrity smut…since they grew up on this Internet generation…where not only can they download movies for their iPads like shit was second nature, but also that girls who get naked get noticed. It is chiseled into their core that every bikini picture, panty flash, nipple slip and sex tape helps a bitch stand out from the crowd and gets people talking about them, especially if they aren’t 18, cuz that’s just fucking formula for success, and the fact that they grew up on this means we have fresh meat in what has become a boring field because the old hasn’t been replaced by the new pussy…but that’s gonna happy soon and if you don’t believe me…just look at a recent picture set of Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Christina Augilera and Lindsay Lohan to remind you how done they are and get you excited about what’s to come…like this Selena Gomez chick who will rebel against her catholic upbringing to get noticed, but for now who is in a bikini and lookin’ alright for a half naked 17 year old… Pics via Bauer
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Selena Gomez in her Bikini of the Day