Shade Files: Tiny Harris Battles With Her Daughter’s Step Mom On Instagram—But Whose Side Is Zonnique On???

Instagram shade files… Tiny Harris Battles With Zonnique Pullins’ Stepmother Things recently reached a fever point on Instagram between T.I.’s wife Tiny and the stepmother of her daughter Zonnique Pullins. Just a few days ago T.I. posted a picture with his stepdaughter Zonnique that he captioned “mines.” The seemingly innocent post apparently pissed off Zonnique’s stepmom Cheryl who goes by @QT4Life007 and who’s married to Zonnique’s father Zebo. “Enough said @Troubleman31,” she captioned a photo of Tip with his biological daughter Deyjah alongside a photo of Zonnique with her biological dad. Tiny then stepped in and initially tried to settle things respectfully with a post explaining how Tip took care of Zonnique since she was 5-years-old. “Private school, first car, vacation, etc,” said Tiny. “So why u think it’s cool to be upset.” before Cheryl asked for “receipts” and hit a low blow noting that Tiny initially didn’t take care of Zonnique and added that she recently had to pay for her own meal at Tip’s restaurant Scales 925. “Y’all were at 925 and he wouldn’t pay for that,” alleged Cheryl. “Y’all had to split the tab on that but that’s your husband and that’s his s***.” MESSY, MESSY, MESSY. Why is this lady trying to air out family business in front of an audience??? If she really had a problem why not call up T.I. and Tiny herself?! Hit the flip for more of this messiness including a message from Zonnique and T.I.

Read this article:
Shade Files: Tiny Harris Battles With Her Daughter’s Step Mom On Instagram—But Whose Side Is Zonnique On???

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