Everybody hates Kim . Nikki Sixx Takes Shot At Kim Kardashian According to Radar Online Nikki Sixx took another shot at Kim Kardashian‘s oblivious product plug as the Oklahoma tornado tragedy unfolded Monday night and RadarOnline.com has his exclusive dig at the reality star. After Nikki posted an ad for Red Cross relief on his Instagram and pregnant Kim wrote about her tanning products he slammed her shortly thereafter, calling her out for not respecting the dire situation. “Pick your priority or pick your poison. Pretty embarrassing screenshot Kim. Aren’t your 15 minutes up?” the Motley Crue wildman wrote. On Tuesday he told RadarOnline.com exclusively why he called out Kim for her insensitively timed note, which read: “Love that I can gradually build the perfect bronzed glow I want with #Kardashian Sun Kissed Tan Extenders.” Seven hours after Kim posted the bronzer plug she posted a picture to her Instagram account that read: “Praying for Oklahoma” with a heart drawn over the state flag. Nikki explained why he was so irate with Kim, telling RadarOnline.com: “My heart goes out to everybody in Oklahoma. “We all have to stand united INCLUDING MOST IMPORTANTLY “CELEBRITIES” WHO HAVE THE POWER TO REACH A LOT OF PEOPLE VIA SOCIAL MEDIA & do what we can to RAISE AWARENESS AND help those affected by the tornado & their families.” Referencing Kim’s power “to reach a lot of people via social media,” she has a whopping 17.8 million followers on Twitter and 8.4 million followers on Instagram. To donate to the Oklahoma relief fund visit GlobalGiving.com Do you think Nikki was right to come at Kim?