Stage Mom of the DAy

Carrie Michalka is the stage mom behind Alyson & Amanda Michalka…who you may not remember or know, but who were on Disney bullshit and pretty famous at a young age, something that only happens when you have a mom with an ego who either thinks she deserved to be famous, but life as a trailer park stripper with a meth addiction got in the way, or who has an ego and this her kids or really anything she shits out of her ass, pussy or mouth is gold…gold the world needs to experience, putting a fire under her ass to get them cast in shit, our just an enterprising individual who realizes managing these assholes who ruined your fucking life and body…who owe you more than 20 percent of their earning since you gave them life…are easier to exploit than working as a cocktail waitress… That said, whatever her storyline is, she’s fucking amazing and these pics she posted of herself…are good enough to fap to, because she’s got so much going for her on so many levels…and one of those things she’s still kinda hot…and deserves the fame she always wanted…I am a fan

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Stage Mom of the DAy

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