Stop The Violence: The FBI Releases An UPDATED List Of America’s Top 20 Most Dangerous Cities In 2012!!!

Is YOUR city keeping hospitals and funeral homes in business??? FBI Lists Top 20 Most Dangerous Cities In America In 2012 A few months ago, we presented you the top 10 most dangerous cities in America . Today, the FBI has released an updated version of that list and many cities that were listed before have either put the guns down, or picked more up. Via Examiner Thursday, the FBI released their list of the top 25 most dangerous cities in America; the most recent report reveals that overall crime is down across the United States and is currently at a five-year low. Each year, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) compiles the data collection of crime in the US, which includes violent crimes, rapes and robberies. The report only includes cities that have at least 100,000 residents. A violent crime is described as “murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault” according to the FBI. Hit the flip side to find out if your hometown has become more violent or more peaceful since the last statistics were compiled. Image via Wikipedia

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Stop The Violence: The FBI Releases An UPDATED List Of America’s Top 20 Most Dangerous Cities In 2012!!!

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