Hipster festival Coachella Happened this weekend as it does every year. Celebrities and/or celebrity offspring went out to pretend to rough it in the 5 star hotels to listen to a ridiculous line up of their favorite acts. While tens of thousands of other idiots were herded together, sweating together, and not showering together and the whole thing seems pretty fucking lame….and to me being sent to Coachella would seem like a hellish punishment…unless of course you’re in the VIP section backstage, in which case I hear it’s pretty luxurious, hence why all the celebrities and celebrity offspring attend…It’s the in thing to do….who cares…. Here’s Tallulah Willis, thank god she’s not Rumer Willis, cuz Rumer Willis is a monster that represents Demi Moore’s broken uterus and drug use she had to get out of her system on the first born, making this one less freakish, but still pretty freakish….hipstered out, fat and downs syndromey….what the hell is wrong with Demi Moore’s pussy? SHe’s in a bikini top, I am sure there are gonna be more Coachella bikini pics as the day progresses…
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Tallulah Willis in a Bikini Top at Coachella of the Day