O_o Reporter Asks Rihanna About Her Affair With Ashton Kutcher Admit it: Somewhere deep inside you, there’s a part of you that really wants to know whether Rihanna actually paid a 4 a.m. visit to Ashton Kutcher’s house (you wouldn’t have otherwise clicked on this article, hmm?). But such tabloid fodder rarely gets vocalized to a celebrity’s face, which makes this press conference with Rihanna, in London to promote her new film “Battleship,” all the more painful. In it, the “We Found Love” singer rips an intrepid reporter named “Sarah,” who dares question the nature of RiRi and Kutcher’s relationship. Asks Sarah: “You’re so good with connecting with people, that I think that we actually feel we know you. Things are clearly going brilliantly in your career. I just wondered if you are as happy in your private life. Will we be seeing a certain Mr. Kutcher perhaps making a trip over here?” Damn, some balls on this broad! Source Image via WENN/YouTube Hit the flip to see Rihanna’s response…