The messiness between Terrence Howard and his soon-to-be ex-wife Michelle continues. According to TMZ reports : Terrence Howard’s estranged wife got a restraining order against the actor this morning — claiming Howard constantly beats her and threatens to kill her … but Terrence says it’s all a big, fat lie. Michelle Howard filed court documents, obtained by TMZ, claiming Terrence began beating her up just 7 days after they were married in January 2010. In the docs, Michelle claims Howard “slugged me across my face and neck” … and threatened to throw her off a balcony. Michelle claims the violence continued throughout their marriage — with Terrence allegedly committing several violent acts, such as – smacking her in the face and chipping her tooth with his wedding ring – throwing her down to the ground in a parking lot – telling her, “I’ll hit a woman quicker than I’d hit a man” – Saying, “If you tell anyone about my personal business, I will kill you and no one will ever know – Screaming, “B*tch, walk home. That’s my car, I pay for it.” Howard also filed legal papers, adamantly denying that he EVER threatened Michelle — but claiming she has been threatening to “release private materials to 3rd parties for her own personal financial gain” unless he paid her money. Sources connected to the case tell TMZ … the material in question includes a video of Howard singing naked in the shower. SMH. We wish “Baby Wipes” would go ahead and get his life all the way together…