Woman Finds Out Her Late Husband Was Her Father This is some really disgusting isht, y’all. Here’s the story: Valerie Spruill was raised in Ohio by her grandparents because her mother was a “woman of the night.” It wasn’t until she was nine that she learned that her grandparents weren’t her parents and the woman that would come visit was actually her mother. But she never knew who her father was. The Beacon Journal report s that after her mother died in in 1984, Spruill met the man she would marry. This man, of course, was her father who was only 15 when Valerie was born. After he died in 1998, Valerie started exploring rumors that the man she married was actually her father. She grabbed one of his hairs from an old comb and did a DNA test to find that she’d been married to her own damn daddy! Get this, they have three children together! And in an even nastier turn of events, she’s unsure if the father knew he was her dad or not, but was scared to tell his daughter/wife the truth. She hopes her story will help her reach her six long lost siblings and to prove a point that people need to know their history. We get that and that’s all well and noble. But maybe she should have just kept quiet because this is the nastiest, most unreal isht we’ve ever heard. Source
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There Goes Your Lunch: Woman Learns Her Late Husband Was Actually Her Father!