This is my first Bieber experience. Last friday afternoon, Justin posted on his Twitter that he was going to be in Atlanta. I live in Atlanta so I started freaking out! I found out he was going to be playing in a basketball game for charity about 40 minutes from where I live. I clicked on the link thinking tickets were going to be like $100 or something. When I saw the tickets were only $10, I flipped! At first I thought it was a scam but I mean Ludacris AND Justin posted it so I was sure it wasn’t a scam. I ran downstairs screaming and told my mom everything! She said go get my laptop and she got me and her tickets! I immediately messaged my friend Courtney on Facebook and she was like NO WAY! She asked her mom and her mom got her a ticket as well. We went after church on Sunday to the game! We were so excited! We sang Justin Bieber songs the whole way there! When we got there, it was SUPER crowded! We saw Justin’s black cars so we were immediately freaking out! We got into the arena and were disappointed because we had to sit on the very very top row. We brought our signs (we were very lucky to have taken them in cause some got theirs taken away) Our sign said, “TEAM BIEBER” and “BIEBER FEVER” on the back. We also had a sparkly white one that said, “COME MEET US JUSTIN” and on the back “TEAM BIEBER”. We met some other Bieber fans and had a great time! We went down a little bit so we were only 30ft from Justin! We were screaming our lungs out! Justin waved at his fans twice! We screamed during a quite moment and he looked over at our signs and WAVED! We were not sure it was at us, but then we were FOR SURE when we went back to our seats and s ome girls said, “Did you see him wave at you” We were like OH SNAP! Anyways it was a great game! The score was 134- 132! WE WON! Justin went CRAZY! He was giving hugs to all his team members and took a picture with the $10,000 check they were giving to Ludacris’ charity. Then he left immediately. He didn’t come up to meet any of his fans (probably because there wasn’t a lot of security). SCOOTER BRAUN played a little in the game and we saw KENNY HAMILTON! We were freaking out! After the game we stayed in the arena thinking he would come back out but we just left because it was too crowded. We went outside and saw some of the basketball players leave and some girl told us he had already left and that there were some girls that chased his car. We ate the Swedish fish we were going to give him and left. We wished we could have met him but we were fine with just seeing him. Justin if you saw our signs please DM me! It would mean the world to me!! That game was the BEST $10 I have EVER spent! – @EllieKearney Go here to read the rest: This is my first Bieber experience. Last friday afternoon,…
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This is my first Bieber experience. Last friday afternoon,…