This Racist Web Video Against Cali. Democrat “Janice Hahn” Should Be Condemned: The Gang Members She Hired Aren’t Even Black!! [Video]

Another point, an Alabama producer is behind the video and his twitter account and picture are below. The other few candidates he previously helped with youtube videos… all lost. “This ad is incredibly offensive and sexist to all women,” Hahn campaign manager Dave Jacobson told TPM. “The producer of this ad should be ashamed of himself and Craig Huey should be ashamed to have this kind of thing produced on his behalf.” Jacobson called on Huey to “come out and condemn this ad immediately.” In a statement EMILY’s List, which has endorsed Hahn, called the ad “the most vile, racist, sexist ad we have ever seen” and also called on Huey to condemn it. Huey’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment. Neither did the Los Angeles County GOP. California Republican Party spokesperson Mark Standriff distanced the party and Huey from the web ad. “The video in question is highly offensive and totally inappropriate,” he said “and has no connection whatsoever to the Huey campaign or the California Republican Party.” On his website, Ehlinger preemptively refuted charges that the ad is racist: Before you charge racism at the ad, consider her one line in the video: “It takes a different kind of person to speak the language.” By that she means, it takes black people to talk to black people. 2005 statistics from the LAPD reported that the vast majority of L.A.’s gang population is made up of predominately Latino gangs. Ryan J. Reilly contributed. Yeah, the gang member she helped… were all Latino. So, they are all as*-backwards with this messs.

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This Racist Web Video Against Cali. Democrat “Janice Hahn” Should Be Condemned: The Gang Members She Hired Aren’t Even Black!! [Video]

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