#457651368 / gettyimages.com My favorite thing that Kate Hudson has done in her career, is not these old lady breast implants – we can all assume she got…. It’s not any of her shitty movies she proved that acting required little no talent to be a part of… It’s not her teen pregnancy – with some older dude – to give hope to older dudes everywhere that if they are rich enough they can trap some 19 year old broken hollywood baby to have your baby…. It’s not even that she rolled through every dude in Hollywood, probably starting at a young age thanks to her Goldie Hawn access…you know filling the emptiness of being a celebrity baby with cock… It’s that she drove Owen Wilson to attempted suicide, at least that’s what the rumor was…I mean that’s some seriosuly powerful, psychotic, mind fucking pussy…but maybe I just can’t relate since I don’t have feelings…but if I did – I highly doubt any loose woman would lead me to jump..proving that either actors are broken and weak people – or that Kate Hudson’s addictive as fuck.. Either way, she lives, and so do her tits, as she pushes 40. #457646250 / gettyimages.com #457646248 / gettyimages.com #457645820 / gettyimages.com #457645806 / gettyimages.com #457640756 / gettyimages.com TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Top 10 Kate Hudson Lives of the Day