We don’t blame you for feeling defeated Lupe…smh. You already know about all of the violence going down in Chi-town; and we reported the Twitter beef that broke out earlier this week between Lupe and Chief Keef . What’s unfortunate is the back and forth shook up Lupe and, while he tweeted some more positivity, he also let the world know that he’s ready to bow out…for good. In case you didn’t know, 17-year-old Chief Keef signed a record deal with Interscope Records earlier this summer that, according to the Chicago Tribune includes: life rights for a biopic, a line of headphones labeled “Beats by Keef” and, the kicker for any artist, his own label to issue records of other artists which made him the youngest label head ever. The article also called him the “Prince of Violent Chicago Rap”. SMH Hit the flip for more of the tweets Lupe put out there…
See the rest here:
Trap Music: Lupe Fiasco May Walk Away From Hip Hop After Chi-Town Murder And Beef With Chief Keef