Evan Rachel Wood made her stiffly anticipated full frontal debut on Mildred Pierce this weekend, and though the scene was rather dark (like all the nudity on this miniseries- didn’t they have electricity in the ’30s?), fans of the willowy brunette will still find plenty to jerk about. Evan Rachel plays Veda, the spoiled brat daughter of Kate Winslet ‘s Mildred Pierce, and in this episode it was revealed that Veda is sleeping with her mom’s man. After the big reveal, Evan Rachel gets out of bed fully nude, baring boobs, butt and merkin before sitting down at her vanity table, still nude. In other nudes, Tamsin Egerton was a topless vision yet again as Guinevere on Starz’ Camelot . The show has revisited Arthur’s dream about banging Guinevere on the beach in every episode so far, with different angles on Tamsin’s nudity each time. If that means we get to see Tamsin topless every week, then we’ve got no complaints here at Skin Central. See more from the newest, nudest episodes of Mildred Pierce and Camelot after the jump!
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TV Nudity Report: Evan Rachel Wood Goes Full Frontal on Mildred Pierce, Nude Deja Vu on Camelot