Gotta love a chick who isn’t afraid to face a challenge head on… Antonio Cromartie’s Model Wife Terricka Strikes Back At Blogs Over Story About His 8 Baby Mamas Antonio Cromartie’s video vixen wife tweeted to her hearts content yesterday after a report was published stateside and internationally exposing her husband’s trail of ten tots across six states, mothered by eight different women — who are now seeking their own reality show that’s currently being shut down by the Cromarties. Most of her ire was reserved for a blogger who apparently knows her well enough to have picked up the phone and at least issued a warning before the onslaught: Must be nice not to be worried about supporting potentially 20 young kids… Cuz most folks have their hands full with just 1. Terricka didn’t stop there — she took it directly to the other folks she had issue with. Hit the flip for more tweets.