When we imagined Nicki Minaj in a threesome, this isn’t exactly what we had in mind… Last night, a fan, or something of the like, put Cher onto Nicki Minaj’s use of her name in a punchline on the Pink Friday track “Did It On Em” If you could turn back time, Cher/You used the be here but now you gone Nair Apparently Cher isn’t too familiar with hip-hop language uses, and didn’t realize that the line was NOT a diss until a hoard of Nicki Minaj stans Barbies jumped down her throat and set her straight. Nicki didn’t spazz on the iconic singer for talkin’ slick, but her excitable side-kick Scaff Beezy took the opportunity to try to hijack some limelight for his excruciatingly lame “rap career” and popped off at the mouth RECKLESS!! Flip the script to read the fawkery…
See the article here:
TwitterFiles Part 1: Nicki Minaj And Cher Catch eFade Over “Did It One Em” Song Lyrics, Then Boy-Toy Safaree Puts On His Cape To Save A Hoe!