Two days before Justin came to my hometown (Chicago), a show to…

Two days before Justin came to my hometown ( Chicago ), a show to which I had no tickets to and which I was not planning on going to, I was on my way to a church retreat in Iowa City, a 4 hour bus ride away. Flash forward Monday, July 8 th at about 9 pm. I lay down on my bed exhausted from the day, and see an email notification. At that point I had completely forgotten that I even applied to the BieberFever Best Collection contest, but as soon as I saw the words “Congratulations, Anna,” my heart skipped a beat and I started crying. Every girl in my room was wondering what happened, and in between sobs I told them I had won meet and greets with Justin Bieber. Anyways, long story short, the amazing retreat director had the idea that I could take a bus home so my parents didn’t have to drive 8 hours. I decided to take my friend Jennifer, who happened to be on the retreat with me, and we took a bus from Iowa City to Chicago at 3 in the morning. Next thing I know, I am waiting in line to pick up my meet and greets, still with no tickets to the actual concert. Suddenly, a woman runs up to me and a couple girls in line next to me and is frantically trying to sell section 101, row 9 seats for face value at $95. Unfortunately, my friend and I only had about $80 with us, so we said no. But the lady persisted saying, “You girls are young, I’m not going to rip you off. Just give me $30 for each ticket.” I couldn’t believe it. Not only was I going to meet my idol, but I was going to the concert with amazing seats for a price near free. Soon, I’m walking down the steps to go backstage to meet Justin, hyperventilating and near tears. As we inched closer to the black curtain, I saw Kenny, Alfredo, Dan, and Scooter. Scooter waved to us and Dan said hi as well. And now, the moment I had been waiting for. I can’t describe the feeling, but the second that curtain opened and I saw Justin, my senses left me. I can honestly say that I don’t remember what he said, but thank God my friend Jennifer was there to tell me. I ran in, saw him, literally jumped on him and hugged him so hard that we both fumbled back. I have never in my life hugged someone as tight as him. After I hugged him, security started yelling, “NO HUGS NO KISSES JUST TAKE THE PICTURE.” We took it, and although I had a list of things to tell him, all I managed to say was, “You’re beautiful. I love you so much.” He replied with, “Aw you guys are the best. I love you, thank you so much for coming out to see me.” The second the flash went off, security was already pushing us out, but I yelled out, “Wait Justin one last hug!” He reached out towards me for a hug, and as I hugged him, I quickly pecked him on the cheek. It was honestly like I died and went to heaven and I’m not just saying that. I cried for the next hour and missed all the opening acts, but all I could think about was Justin and how amazing that was. The concert was of course amazing, and Justin must have been in a really good mood because he literally couldn’t stop cracking jokes or laughing. As I write this, I’m not even exaggerating, I still believe that it was all a dream and that it didn’t really happen. I have never been so lucky in my life, and that night was the best blessing I could have ever asked for. -Anna (@annaabanana3) More here: Two days before Justin came to my hometown (Chicago), a show to…

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Two days before Justin came to my hometown (Chicago), a show to…

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