On June 4, Sprint released the HTC EVO 4G in the market. However, as early as now, there are already complaints from the buyers. Most of the complaints are about accessing the SD using any app. Sprint is now working to resolve the problem. The new Iphone is also not able to take picture and shoot videos because they also required an access to SD card to operate. The engineers used an Android OS. It is the first 4G phone in the United States. The HTC EVO 4G is still available in the market for $199. The Next-generation iPhone 4G or iPhone HD will soon be launched by Apple. The new feature included in the HTC EVO 4G is the video conferencing. It is 10 times faster than 3g networks when use to browse the internet. Updates: New Iphone Hd Release is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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Updates: New Iphone Hd Release