Call it The Curse of The Change-Up : Another film that tried to fool viewers into buying tickets to see a nonexistent nude scene has bombed at the box office. Wanderlust opened this weekend to generally positive reviews and absolutely terrible box office receipts, coming in at number eight after Act of Valor , The Vow, This Means War and four other movies that had already been in theaters for a week or more, including Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance . And if you can’t beat the sequel to a Nicholas Cage movie widely considered to be the equivalent of gouging your eyes out with flaming pokers in its second weekend, then you know you’ve got problems. Some are blaming Jennifer Aniston ‘s flagging star power for the film’s weak performance. If “flagging star power” is code for “nude fake-out fatigue,” then we heartily agree. JenAn’s been playing this game with her male fans for several years now, and the next time she claims to have shot a nude scene for a movie…well…let’s just say we won’t take it with a grain of salt. We’ll take it with a truckful. You’ve burned us one too many times, Jen, and our lust has wandered away. Get the skinny on Wanderlust right here at the Mr. Skin blog!
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Wanderlust Bombs at the Box Office After Nude Bait-and-Switch