WaPo Promotes ‘DREAM Act’ for Sympathetic ‘Undocumented Youths’

Liberal Democrats would like to use the lame-duck session of Congress to squeeze out passage of the “DREAM Act” to provide a “path” for citizenship to illegal-alien students. So The Washington Post ordered up another round of sympathetic press-release coverage for Sunday's paper with the tableau of a Thanksgiving dinner, complete with a beautiful “exemplary student” named Anngie Gutierrez who wants to be a medical examiner. The headline was “Undocumented youths chasing a dream.” The story used the favored liberal word “undocumented” seven times (including headlines and captions). Reporter Shankar Vedantam relayed: Gutierrez attended Thanksgiving dinner last week at the home of one of her high school teachers, Elias Vlanton. A group called United We Dream organized 300 to 500 events where DREAM Act-eligible students could share Thanksgiving dinner with citizens – and also perform various acts of service – according to Jose Luis Marantes, a senior organizer at the group. read more

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WaPo Promotes ‘DREAM Act’ for Sympathetic ‘Undocumented Youths’

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