A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the Baz Luhrmann ‘s trailer for The Great Gatsby contained ample scenes of Leonardo DiCaprio , Tobey Maguire and Jason Clarke screaming . Now, after sifting through more than 50 photos from the movie that Warner Bros. has released into the blogosphere and watching an exclusive trailer that the UK’s Daily Mail has posted, I can also tell you that, amid all the Art Deco opulence and Roaring Twenties hedonism, there will be plenty of brooding, too. There must be a lot to think about. Check out this romantic (and thoughtful!) trailer first then ponder the photos. One more thing: Conan O’Brien should have Joel Edgerton on his show and do a skit where they both play Tom Buchanan. More on The Great Gatsby : WATCH: ‘The Great Gatsby’ Trailer: There Will Be Screaming [ Daily Mail] Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.
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WATCH: ‘The Great Gatsby’ Trailer & Photos − There Will Be Brooding, Too