With one last action-packed trailer, Summit continues its final marketing push to bring the $2 billion Twilight Saga down the home stretch. What’s nice about this full two-minute trailer is it actually builds tension, at least, moreso than the abridged looks we’ve had this week . And while it lays down more of a foundation for the final epic throwdown between good vampires and not-so-good vampires that wraps up the series, we also get the tiniest explanation of the “immortal child” hullabaloo at the center of Breaking Dawn . The full trailer offers a bit more explanation for the uninitiated as to why evil Italian vampire Michael Sheen and his army of cloaked bloodsuckers are coming to Washington State to tangle with Bella Swan ( Kristen Stewart ), Edward Cullen ( Robert Pattinson ), and their extended brood namely, Renesmee. The Volturi have been waiting for a reason to punish these peaceful romance-loving Cullen vamps, and when stupid Irina (Maggie Grace, I cannot wait for you to not be annoying in a movie) tattles some misinformation they are convinced Bella and Edward have done the unthinkable: “Turned” a child. Also saved for the final marketing push is an emphasis on the special vampire powers that gave Stephenie Meyer’s Saga-ender such a left-field X-Men: The Last Stand -type feel, although the book differed drastically from the heated brawling we see here, so there’s at least one mystery left to uncover . Better to reel in fans with the homestead drama and Bella’s karate kicking skills and leave the really out-there stuff for audiences to discover in the theater (*cough imprinting cough*). The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 is in theaters November 16. Follow Jen Yamato on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
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WATCH: Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Final Trailer Saves The Crazy Stuff For Last