Television can be a great learning tool, just ask Bryan, Texas preacher George Randall Scott, who presumably learned from Dateline how to conduct his own pedophile sting, and score himself some pervert pipe. The 51-year old Assembly of God minister at Bryan's Bethel Temple Church placed an ad in Craigslist's Men-to-Men section, masquerading as a 20-year old male looking for some companionship. When he got an email response back he would tell them that he was only 16. If they were still interested, he would then arrive at their house claiming to be the boy's stepfather and blackmail them into allowing him to service them to ensure his silence. He has admitted to having coerced sexual encounters with ten men. What's even stranger is that he tried to make post-coital small talk with one of the men, and texted later about how much he enjoyed meeting them, how he had them in his heart, finally reassuring them, “UR a good egg.” (This is your brain on drugs.) Scott has resigned from the church after 20 years. According to one church member, he was a popular pastor who baptized many of the church's members. No word yet on whether baptismal by weirdo homo extortionist preachers still counts. 2. Phillip Jacobs Perhaps the most maddening thing about the epidemic of priestly sex abuse cases is the utter indifference with which the church long approached these transgressions. Case in point: Phillip Jacobs, who was drummed out of the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio in 1993 after 18 years there after ten credible allegations of abuse emerged. So he moved on to Canada, where he informed the Diocese of Victoria of his past. (“Hi, my name is Phillip and I'm a pedophile.”) They allowed him to work after two psychiatric evaluations — one by the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Famliy Development — declared he was not at risk of committing abuse again. Because, you know, they're so good at determining that kind of thing. Jacobs, now 60, was hired at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in '96, but retired in 2002 after the Ohio allegations came to light. Now, two accounts of abuse have emerged from while Jacobs was at St. Joseph. (Cue Britney Spears' “Oops!… I Did It Again.”) Police said all of the victims that have come forward are under the age of 14, which would mean they were pretty young when they were allegedly abused. Police indicates that when the charges first came to light there in '02, one local victim came forward, but they didn't have enough to charge him. Cue Alfred E. Neuman's signature “What me, worry?” shrug from the clergy. (3 More @ Link) added by: Omnomynous