White Shoplifter Fires Shots At Police And Escapes This is so ridiculous… So a black child with skittles , iced tea, a toy gun, a cell phone, a sword or a blunt is treated with more fear than an actual adult firing shots from a real actual gun. Is it just us or is the cop REALLY REALLY calm about the guy getting away? According to RawStory reports : A shoplifting suspect fired a gunshot Tuesday evening during a foot chase through a Wal-Mart store in Missouri. Employees said the store was crowded with customers when the shot was fired — which then triggered chaos, reported the Springfield News-Leader. Police confirmed that officers were chasing multiple shoplifting suspects when one of them fired a shot. “A foot chase took place inside the store, and as one of the suspects fled, he fired one round from a handgun,” said Lt. Fred Beck, of Springfield police. “Nobody was injured, nobody was hit, and the suspect fled out the back door.” Two other suspects were taken into police custody during the incident. The store was evacuated immediately after the shot was fired about 7:30 p.m., and it remained locked down for at least two hours. The shooting suspect was described as a white man wearing a dark-colored, hooded sweatshirt. We hope they catch him, although it doesn’t seem like cops are too concerned at being shot at by a white guy… One of the employees did seem a bit more perturbed. Police did recently kill a white man, 30-year-old Joseph Tyndall wearing a stolen Joplin, Missouri, fire department uniform last month outside another Wal-Mart store in Springfield. Cops said Tyndall, who had numerous priors, fired a gun at them during a foot chase in the parking lot. Every time we hear of a shooting in Wal-Mart we can’t help but think of 22-year-old John Crawford III, shot dead by police at a Wal-Mart store after another customer reported seeing him carrying a rifle. The rifle turned out to be a toy he picked up in the store, and surveillance video showed the officers fired immediately upon seeing him. You see the difference right?
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White Privilege? Walmart Shoplifting Suspect Shot At Missouri Cops Before Escaping With His Life [Video]