Season finale is marked by high-energy routines and unity among the competing crews. Poreotix Photo: MTV For a few moments, the competition was placed to the side. Dance crews from both coasts, the South and Canada all set aside their game faces, joined forces and did what they do best: They danced. Thursday night’s (April 8) finale of the fifth season of “America’s Best Dance Crew” was said to be the tightest ever, and when the boys from California, Poreotix, were announced in the final moments, there was a period of excitement and celebration. To be sure, that moment was special, but it didn’t undercut the earlier periods of unity that took place before the finalists of what became an international showdown– the winning crew from California and a crew from Canada — were announced. Together, the crews joined forces, put their competitive spirits aside and delighted the audience with what made this show so fierce all season long. Up first were the dancers from the West Coast, dancing to Ke$ha’s “Blah, Blah, Blah.” Following them were the East Coast contenders, who incorporated some impressive jump-roping and tumbling skills into their routine. Not to be outdone, the dancers from the South entertained to T-Pain’s “Take Your Shirt Off” and, mid-performance, ripped off their shirts in unison, generating cheers and foot stomping from the crowd. Montages showing clips of the season’s finalists — the Blueprint Cru and Poreotix — aired, while crew members gave final thoughts in pre-taped interviews. “We’ve shown people something that they’ve never seen before: We showed them that they could have fun onstage,” one of the members from California’s Poreotix said. The Blueprint Cru said they wanted to show the caliber of talent coming out of Canada. “We went in to the competition wanting to win America over,” a member said. Both crews came together to perform a high energy step routine together, surprising the audience with a live marching band — representing both by wearing each team’s colors — before taking a final word from judges. Poreotix were presented with the trophy by executive producer Randy Jackson, who officially crowned them the winning team, with the dropdown of the championship banner and a series of pyrotechnics. Were you happy with the “America’s Best Dance Crew” outcome? Sound off in the comments below! Related Videos America’s Best Dance Crew (Season 5) | Behind The Scenes Week 11 America’s Best Dance Crew (Season 5) | Live Finale Post Show
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‘America’s Best Dance Crew’ Crowns Poreotix Season-Five Champs