Kelly Clarkson Promises New Single In September

Singer tweets that ‘it’s a huge bummer waiting’ but fans can expect new music soon. By Gil Kaufman Kelly Clarkson Photo: Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images By now, Kelly Clarkson fans have gotten used to the hurry-up-and-wait status of her new album. Release dates for singles have come and gone, her frustration about the long release process has flared at times and a slow trickle of never-before-heard songs has leaked online over the past month. But Clarkson gave fans reason to hope on Thursday when she posted a series of tweets that made it sound as if her eagerly anticipated fifth album is getting closer to seeing the light of day. Still, as has frequently been the case with Clarkson lately, it was a mix of good and bad news. “Also, just found out my single is hitting radio in August!” she tweeted Thursday afternoon. “Woohoo! It’s sounds great as well! Can’t wait for y’all to hear it!” Fans were understandably excited about the imminent release of the unnamed tune but an hour later, Clarkson said she may have misspoken a bit. “Okay please do not get angry but it might be September for my single,” she wrote . “My calendar was messed up! I’m so sorry! BUT it might be late August! It’s a huge bummer waiting but I promise it’ll be worth it! Stupid technology!!” Though disappointed, fans told Clarkson it was no biggie, saying it was worth the wait. “If people can wait till Nov. for ‘Breaking Dawn,’ I bet they can wait a few months for your new single,” one fan wrote. The original “American Idol,” who at one point described the new songs as “Garbage-meets-pop-meets-Muse,” has long expressed her desire to go in a more rock direction and she appeared headed that way on the follow-up to 2009’s All I Ever Wanted. ” In October, Clarkson told fans on Twitter that she expected a single out by early 2011, teased a pair of duets with unnamed co-singers and said it might include two songs by her musical director and “Never Again” co-writer Jason Halbert. The album obviously missed its initial late-2010 release date, and by February Clarkson was talking up other influences, such as Prince, Tina Turner, Radiohead, Sheryl Crow and Aretha Franklin , and hitting the studio with producer Rodney Jerkins . In early February she announced, with a bit of consternation, that the ywet-untitled album was finished, but had been pushed back until September . Then, earlier this month, three songs that are reportedly slated for the album leaked, just a week after another new tune, the rocking, “Let Me Down,” surfaced online. The new songs, which were quickly scrubbed from the Internet, included the angsty “Let Me Down,” the ballad “Forgive You” and the pop rocker “Dumb + Dumb = You.” Are you looking forward to Kelly’s next album? Tell us in the comments! Related Artists Kelly Clarkson

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Kelly Clarkson Promises New Single In September

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