The singer opens up about her sex life during ’60 Minutes’ chat, airing Sunday. By Jocelyn Vena Lady Gaga Photo: Jun Sato/ WireImage Lady Gaga didn’t hold back in her “60 Minutes” interview, which is set to air Sunday. During her chat with Anderson Cooper, Gaga opened up about her stage name and revealed that some people still call her by her given name, Stefani. “Yeah, some people do. Especially in bed,” she said. The New York native laughed off Cooper’s follow-up statement, according to New York’s Daily News. “You don’t want somebody yelling out ‘Lady Gaga,’ ” Cooper replied. “No. That would freak me out,” the singer said. During the interview, Gaga attempted to take Cooper to her old apartment, but things did not go as planned. Gaga tried to enter her former building by pressing all of the buttons, hoping someone would buzz her in. “We’re going to do it the New York way … someone will listen,” she said. While they did get inside the building, the current tenant in Gaga’s old studio declined to open the door because of the “60 Minutes” camera crew. The Daily News found the woman now living in the apartment, and she explained why she didn’t let the superstar in. “I had the flu,” Emily Ting told the newspaper. “I didn’t want to have cameras inside. I love Anderson Cooper. He is very handsome. His hair is so gray and wonderful. She’s great. I’ve definitely danced to some of her songs.” Not only did Gaga and Cooper spend time in the singer’s hometown , they also met up in London for the segment. Gaga’s “60 Minutes” interview airs Sunday at 7 p.m. ET/PT on CBS, right before the 53rd annual Grammy Awards, where she’s set to perform and is up for six awards. Don’t miss “Snooki & Sway: Live From the Grammys,” a red-carpet live stream kicking off Sunday at 6 p.m. ET on And stick with us all Grammy night for coverage of the red carpet, the show, the afterparties and beyond! Related Photos The Evolution Of: Lady Gaga Related Artists Lady Gaga
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Lady Gaga Reveals She’s Called Stefani By Lovers