Florida Crazies: Man Kills Family Pitbull Then Chops It Up, Cooks It, And “Freezes The Extra Meat” For Future Meals

Florida Man Kills Dog – Chops Up Body For Family To Eat SMH at this story and how crazy this muhfugga looks! According to WTSP : A Tampa man is facing animal cruelty charges after he allegedly killed his family’s pet dog, and then cut the animal up for future meals. Investigators say 25-year-old Thomas Elliot Huggins strangled the young pit bull mix pup on Thursday morning, and then chopped the animal into quarters and put the remains in the freezer. A family member called police after learning what happened. Arriving officers say they found the dog’s ribs cooked in a pot on the stove, and the animal’s head was in the garbage. An investigator with Hillsborough Animal Services tells 10 News that Huggins “expertly” cut the animal apart, and this may not be the first time he’s done this. According to his arrest report, Huggins learned how to clean an animal from his mother and had done it in the past with squirrels and rabbits. Family members told police that Huggins’ behavior had been getting progressively worse over the past several years. His mother claims the problems began when Huggins was “smoking some weed” five years earlier and “something happened.” She’s unsure if there was something in the marijuana but that afterward Huggins “flipped out” and he hadn’t been the same since. Huggins was taken into custody and charged for the inhumane and cruel killing of the dog, and is currently in jail on $2,000 bond. He had to be smoking more than “some weed” to go crazy like that. WTSP

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