Teacher In Florida In Hot Water After Supposed “Typo” On Homework A teacher in Florida is catching a lot of heat after what she sent home students with what claims to be a spelling mistake on their homework. The class of 6-year-olds were supposed to be learning how to spell the word “bigger,” but ended up having a spelling sheet with a racial slur on it instead. One child noticed and told her mother, and Terry Day reached out to the Hamilton Elementary School. “I said, ‘Well, you didn’t spell-check your word? You didn’t proofread your word before you sent that out?’ And (the teacher) said, ‘It is a word.’ And I didn’t like the attitude behind that one,’” Day told WESH 2 . The school issued an apology already, and claims the teacher is extremely remorseful. As for the teacher herself, she reportedly told school administrators that she made the mistake because the letters “B” and “N” are close together on the keyboard…..mhhhmmmmm.