Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin release a statement in response to juror B29 Trayvon Martin’s Parents Respond To Minority Juror B29 The heartbroken parents of teenager Trayvon Martin, who was fatally shot by acquitted child murdered George Zimmerman last year, have responded to the sole minority juror on the case who recently admitted that she felt Zimmerman “got away with murder,” despite the fact that she and the rest of the 6-woman jury let him off scott free. via ABC News Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, said it was “devastating” to hear a juror tell ABC News in an exclusive interview that the jury in the George Zimmerman case thought the former neighborhood watchman was guilty and “got away with murder.” “It is devastating for my family to hear the comments from juror B29, comments which we already knew in our hearts to be true: That George Zimmerman literally got away with murder. This new information challenges our nation once again to do everything we can to make sure that this never happens to another child,” Fulton said in a statement released Thursday through The Trayvon Martin Foundation. “That’s why Tracy [Martin] and I have launched The Trayvon Martin Foundation to try and take something very painful and negative and turn it into something positive as a legacy to our son,” Fulton added. Fulton’s comments came hours after juror B29 emerged from the shadows and told “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts Thursday she believes she owes Martin’s parents an apology because she feels “like I let them down.” The Martin family is truly one of immense strength and dignity to be able to continue their fight for justice, not just for their own son, but for other young boys who may very well one day find themselves in similar situations.