Tag Archives: 11-minute-clip

True Blood’s Kristin Bauer on Playing Pam, Getting Nude, and Being the ‘Bizarro Carrie Bradshaw’

For the perfect example of someone who can do a lot with just a little, just check out True Blood’s scene stealer Kristin Bauer. As Pam, the stylish second-in-command vampire to Bon Temps big shot Eric (Alexander Skarsgard), it often falls to Bauer to swan into a scene, casually toss off the episode’s best lines, and leave a lasting impression in just a few minutes. She talked to Movieline about how she does it.

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True Blood’s Kristin Bauer on Playing Pam, Getting Nude, and Being the ‘Bizarro Carrie Bradshaw’

Lost DVD Epilogue Leaks Online, Delivers Some Answers

Well, would you look at that. The much-anticipated Lost epilogue, “The New Man In Charge,” isn’t due out for another two weeks — the season six DVD doesn’t hit stores until Aug. 24 — but thanks to the magic of the Internet, it’s already available to watch. The good ladies at Jezebel have unearthed the (sadly unembeddable) 11-minute clip, and it’s… well, click ahead to find out. Spoilers, naturally.

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Lost DVD Epilogue Leaks Online, Delivers Some Answers