Tag Archives: 1975-the-taboo

Nothing To See Here: Playboy Announces The End Of Nude Fun Bag Photos And Azz Shots

Playboy To Discontinue Printing Nude Photos Playboy has been an American Institution of flesh pandering since 1953. For over 6 decades Hugh Hefner’s monthly periodical offered lavish spreads of ladies on their worst behavior. But in 2015, when the internet is the go-to place for all things pervy, it’s a lil’ tough to sell people on the idea of waiting 30 days to see a tidday. “That battle has been fought and won,” said Scott Flanders, the company’s chief executive. “You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. So it’s just passe at this juncture,” Flanders said in an interview with the New York Times . Evidence of the internet’s stranglehold on the modern day creep can be seen in the massive decline in current Playboy subscribers. In 1975 the taboo magazine had 5.6 million subscriptions, down to a paltry 800,000 in 2015. Not for nothing, Playboy has had a good run, but not even “provocative poses” can save them now. There will still be better T&A on Instagram and Twitter. Will you miss the bucket nekkid version of Playboy?

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Nothing To See Here: Playboy Announces The End Of Nude Fun Bag Photos And Azz Shots