Tag Archives: 2010 governors

NYT’s Blow: ‘Too Many Liberals Just Want to Whine’

Charles Blow made some political observations in his New York Times column Saturday that are destined to anger many of his left-leaning readers. Just imagine how the average New York Democrat is going to respond to being told the future of his Party is being jeopardized by the fact that “Too many liberals just want to whine”: read more

More here:
NYT’s Blow: ‘Too Many Liberals Just Want to Whine’

Palin to Walters: The Media Have Made People Think I’m Scary, Uninformed and Polarizing

As NewsBusters reported Thursday, Barbara Walters during an interview to be aired hours later claimed the public find the thought of Sarah Palin as president “scary” because she's “uninformed.” When the full segment aired later that evening, Palin fired back saying, “I think it's because the media has shaped that persona and allowed that to be out there as a misconception and a misperception about my, what my values are and what the positions are that I support” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

Read the original here:
Palin to Walters: The Media Have Made People Think I’m Scary, Uninformed and Polarizing

Chris Matthews: ‘Right-wing Press Played Up Rangel Censure,’ Left More Compassionate to GOP Wrongdoers

Chris Matthews on Friday made the absurd claim the “compassionate” Left is too soft on Republican wrongdoers, and that by contrast the Right puts it's “heel into the back of the guy's head when he's down.” The “Hardball” host – with a straight face no less – said this to guests Ron Reagan and Politico's Roger Simon with reference to how the “right-wing press played up [Charlie] Rangel's censure” (video follows with transcript and commentary): read more

See original here:
Chris Matthews: ‘Right-wing Press Played Up Rangel Censure,’ Left More Compassionate to GOP Wrongdoers

Name That Party: In Iowa, With Lame Duck Raise-Granting Dem Gov, Drudge Does, Des Moines Register Doesn’t

The seemingly endless variety of “name that party” stunts has yet another wrinkle. In this case, Matt Drudge is currently linking to a Des Moines Register story (“Culver OKs state pay raises”; also saved here at host for future reference) about how outgoing Iowa Governor Chet Culver has decided to rush through union contracts granting thousands of state employees 3% raises (before considering “step” raises that occur with seniority) in each of the next two years before Republican Governor Terry Bransted takes over in January. The headline for Drudge's link is “Lame duck Dem governor in Iowa OKs $100 million in raises for state workers.” Actually, it's $100 million a year for the next two years. But the linked Register article by Jason Clayworth never identifies Culver's Democratic Party affiliation, even though he tags the governor's opposition as Republican twice in the first two paragraphs. In other words, not that it was difficult to show that Culver is a Dem , but Drudge had to figure it out and tell his readers — and we thank him for that. Here are excerpts from Clayworth's clunker: read more

Name That Party: In Iowa, With Lame Duck Raise-Granting Dem Gov, Drudge Does, Des Moines Register Doesn’t

Defeated Ohio Gov. Strickland’s ‘Shadow Government’ Comment Ignored by Ohio Papers

In a Tuesday item, the Politico's David Catanese reported on the results of an interview he had (HT to Third Base Politics ) with outgoing Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, who was defeated by Republican John Kasich earlier this month. It was billed as “his first one-on-one interview since his loss,” the first for a sitting Ohio governor in 36 years, so you would think anything particularly controversial Strickland might have to say would be news elseswhere. Well, here's an obviously newsworthy comment (in bold), especially considering what came just before and after it: read more

Read more here:
Defeated Ohio Gov. Strickland’s ‘Shadow Government’ Comment Ignored by Ohio Papers