Now that nearly every action or comic-book movie wants to be as big, loud and spectacular as a Michael Bay movie, there’s something refreshingly straightforward — homespun, even — about an actual Michael Bay movie like Transformers: Dark of the Moon . The picture wears its ambitions on its whirring, rumbling, clanking, heavily CGI’ ed sleeve, and it pretends to be nothing more than it is: a honking, 40-karat piece of entertainment that will cost you dearly if you take your family to see it in the theaters, especially when you factor in that 3-D surcharge. Yet Dark of the Moon , the third installment in the unkillable Transformers franchise, shouldn’t be seen any other way. Bay doesn’t care about your soul, he just wants your money — but he at least makes sure you go home feeling exhausted and spent rather than vaguely dissatisfied. It’s a fair exchange.
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REVIEW: Transformers: Dark of the Moon Is Straight-Up Michael Bay, for Better or Worse