Tag Archives: abigal breslin

Did Signs Ruin the Careers of Mel Gibson, M. Night Shyamalan and Joaquin Phoenix?

Marvel comics maven Brian Michael Bendis wondered if — in light of recent headlines — Signs was cursed. And seriously, between the critical drubbing of The Last Airbender and the latest allegations of racism levied against Mel Gibson , all that was missing from yesterday’s news cycle was a story about Joaquin Phoenix falling asleep on David Letterman’s front lawn while wearing a chicken suit. What happened here? Will the 2002 blockbuster go down in history alongside Diff’rent Strokes and the Curse of the Billy Goat as a creepy ghost story of coincidence? Ahead, Movieline throws some garlic around its neck and investigates.

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Did Signs Ruin the Careers of Mel Gibson, M. Night Shyamalan and Joaquin Phoenix?