Tag Archives: abounding-love

Day Two

Things slowly got back to normal on Tuesday. While the storm resulted in serious damage along parts of the coast, and those affected remain in our thoughts and prayers, we were relieved that the storm wasn’t as catastrophic as initially forecasted. Tuesday also happened to be the debut of my book, “My Dad, John McCain.” The day began with a book signing at the CivicFest celebration in Minneapolis. I got to see some old friends and was so happy to meet all the great people and families who turned out to get their copies signed. It was an exhilarating experience and I can’t thank everyone enough for their support. We then went to a service event organized by www.One.org . It’s a charity devoted to eradicating global poverty. We then went to a local bookstore for another book signing. The day was a blur by the end, but I will never forget the amazing people I met and the wonderful support of my family and friends, both new and old. Song of the Day: “So Real” by Jeff Buckley

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Day Two


For those of you who have followed our journey since we started the blog a year ago, you know how crazy campaign life can be. The manic pace, last second changes and unpredictable moments have all set the stage for what has been an unbelievable ride. I am privileged to be able to be a part of this experience and I hope sharing it with you provides a more intimate and authentic look at Dad’s campaign. Last night was overwhelming for me in a way in which I’ve never before experienced.  The tears I shed were due to an abounding love I have for my father, who, above all else, wants to serve a nation and her people.  His love and faith in his country and fellow citizens saved him in his darkest hour. Standing on that stage, I saw past the balloons, confetti and cheers. I was left with a singular image. One of a man who will take his improbable journey and draw from it at every turn to change our country and our world for the better.  Dad, I have never been more proud to be your daughter. I love you. Song of the Day: “Barracuda” by Heart

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