Tell us if you could relate to tonight’s “Catfish” episode, in which a young woman had trouble telling her suitor to back off.
The rest is here:
How Do You Handle A Guy Who Won’t Back Off?
Tell us if you could relate to tonight’s “Catfish” episode, in which a young woman had trouble telling her suitor to back off.
The rest is here:
How Do You Handle A Guy Who Won’t Back Off?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged act-before, because-their, Cat, fully-developed, issues, live, Music, stars, suitor, TMZ, young-woman
Teenagers tend to act before they think, but part of that might be because their brains aren’t fully developed yet.
Excerpt from:
Why Do Teenagers Make Bad Choices? One Word: Science
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged act-before, because-their, brains, fully-developed, issues, live, Music, TMZ