Tag Archives: because-their

Paige VanZant at 115 Lbs Topless of the Day

Paige VanZant is an MMA fighter, I don’t watch MMA because I find half naked dude on dude one of the gayest things to watch, the beating of each other just adds to the gayness, like a gay guy with a prison rape fantasy so hard he gets himself arrested, only gayer because the gay dudes watching UFC don’t even know they are gay, they just know they are charged, excited and loving the “technique of the fight”…while the ring girls, who are really trashy Vegas strippers are just used as bait to masturabte to…you know… Then they package these other girls, who got into fighting because their boyfriends loved it so much it was the only way they’d get fucked…and little killers like this Paige VanZant exist, make money and post hot topless weigh-in pics….at 115 instead of 125 because why not challenge yourself. I’ve seen Karate Kid and this shit is about Discipline.. The post Paige VanZant at 115 Lbs Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Paige VanZant at 115 Lbs Topless of the Day

Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Tries New Recreational Drugs Dude Assaults Air BNB Guest Crash on Livestream Woman Fails Breathalizer…. Driver VS Joggers Stripped Topless Cops taken out Drifting of the Day The post Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Topless Protsters and Other Videos of the Day

Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day

Sistine Stallone is Sylvester Stallone’s daughter who’s face is a little too Sylvester Stallone looking for my liking….but she’s flashing her panties…and they are magical because they are celebrity kids, rich kids, brats who people only care about because their dad is Rambo, and that alone makes the pussy properly broken and A-List… He probably neglected as he was being famous, probably fucking all kind of models, not limited to Brigitte Nielsen, who is the original Bruce Jenner…chick with a dick, at least in broad shoulders… But she’s got a trust fund and people fuck with anything associated with celebrity…up on trying to be the next Kardashian…but failing…unless you think upskirts are a win…and I do….I think exactly that… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sistine Stallone Upskirt of the Day

Rhian Sugden – UK Glamour Model – Tits of the Day

Rhian Sugden is a trashy UK Page 3 girl, which they’ve named Glamour Models, because their photoshoots are what you’d call “Glamour Shoots”, instead of trashy, cheesy, ghetto which is what they are…but I guess Trashy Model doesn’t sounds as fancy as Glamour, and it’s all marketing really, so if you call it Glamour it must be glamour and if it’s Glamour it’s not trashy… If you know what I mean…it’s some law of intent, or willing something, like “The Secret”…only for slutty big tits that don’t have the face or height to be real models, or the balls to do porn, so they show the tits and people freak out, because tits are great, all in the daily newspaper…wonderful really… She’s 30, looks 40, is a big deal, but not really, has big tits…definitely…and sloppy legs…but with tits like this…you take the sloppy legs… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Rhian Sugden – UK Glamour Model – Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rhian Sugden – UK Glamour Model – Tits of the Day

Lily Collins Is Super Sexy In Malibu Magazine

I know I like to rag on hotties who think that just because their dad is famous and talented, that somehow instantly makes them talented too. But unlike a lot of the other rich kid wannabes out there in Hollywood, I think Lily Collins actually has something. You know, like a killer body that I’d love to put my filthy blogger mitts all over. And here she is showing it off for  Malibu Magazine . Now that’s real talent. » view all 14 photos

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Lily Collins Is Super Sexy In Malibu Magazine

SMH: Muslim Family Booted From Flight After Passenger Accuses Them Of Being ISIS Members

Muslim Family Kicked Off Plane Due To ISIS Suspicion We’ve heard of Muslim passengers getting kicked off planes because their mere presence makes bigoted people nervous. True to form, all it took was the shaky suspicions of an unknown passenger to to get one young woman and her sister — both wearing hijabs — booted from an EasyJet flight and questioned by authorities over possible affiliations to ISIS for over an hour. Read her full account of the action below: Wow…so the airline policy is to blindly believe the words of any old bigot on their flights and remove ‘suspicious’ passengers based on their religious dress? SMH… Facebook

Originally posted here:
SMH: Muslim Family Booted From Flight After Passenger Accuses Them Of Being ISIS Members

Bryanna Holly’s Fake Tits Posing Nude for Attention of the Dya

Bryana Holly is one of the original instagram fame whore whores who had an audience because she got on the popular page when instagram first happened… She is probably better known for trying to get in with the Kardashians by fucking Brody Jenner…their stepbrother, and son of Caitlin…you know using them fake tits in efforts to really make it in the world.. I know her as the cunt who blocked me on instagram because she hates me calling her out for being a talentless, barely hot, not even an it-girl, fake-model, who only makes money because companies want her instagram followers, and all that will happen for her in her “career” that is hardly a career…is she’ll land a rich LA dude into some instagram model with followers because it’s “cool” right now… I think the foot fetishists will like this..I do it for you…weirdos… The post Bryanna Holly’s Fake Tits Posing Nude for Attention of the Dya appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bryanna Holly’s Fake Tits Posing Nude for Attention of the Dya

Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Here’s a squat train…. I don’t know whether that’s a thing or not…it’s like Human Centipede but not because their mouths are attached to their assholes…but because you know if you’re this close to high maintenance, demanding, annoying Beyonce, you’re going be eating a whole lot of shit… Leave it up to Beyonce to forget she’s an old washed up mom…and to squeeze in a leotard and blame it on “Love Your Body”…when really she just wants to porn out herself and feel sexy in a world where her husband fucks groupies…. FUN! If by fun I mean pathetic..trying hard…yet cashing in…..which I do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER IN A LEOTARD CLICK HERE TO SEE HER PERFORM WITH ED SHEERAN THIS WEEKEND – WHERE THE LEOTARD PICS WERE TAKEN – GOD WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CLICK HERE The post Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Halston Sage in a Tight Dress Eating Pizza of the Day

I assumed that Halston Sage was Jailbait…from Nickelodeon or Disney or some other garbage people jerk off to because their wife doesn’t let them watch porn… But she was born in 1993, making her 22, which is 2 years too old for this pervert…who jerks off to 20 year olds who are in my bed… But she’s got a tight body…and sometimes, in a world of obese people…that’s enough… I guess the good thing about 20 year olds, at least based on my experience of having sex with them, is that they all have big round asses, even when they are skinny. in what we can assume is caused by hormones in the food, the benefit of commercialization of food production… Right…..keep eating that Pizza…it makes what would have been bodiless girls from the 80s…rock a good waist to hip ratio…while making other girls who would have been athletic in the 89s look like Kylie Jenner… So weird. TO SEE THE SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Halston Sage in a Tight Dress Eating Pizza of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Halston Sage in a Tight Dress Eating Pizza of the Day

Selena Gomez No Bra Party of the Day

She’s found her marketing hook…her tits… For a few months, people wanted to know if she had implants because their lives are pathetic and some rich Disney slut’s implants are relevant to their existence, because their existence is that pathetic….I am talking to you… Then, she milked that rumor by showing off cleavage, which would have been exciting….if we were religious people, and cleavage was arrousing…you know if we weren’t part of the internet porn generation of throat fucking… And now, at least the last week, shes gone free the nippl on us and doesn’t wear a bra, something that is totally relevant now…it’s a political stance…that allows her to come across as a “with-it” young boss, when really she’s likea 50 year old thanks to being prostituted to the world and Disney at such a young age… Either way, people like nipples…and here’s her tribute to her pimp… The post Selena Gomez No Bra Party of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez No Bra Party of the Day