Tag Archives: their-assholes

Romee Strijid Skinny Model Ass at the Airport of the Day

In a world of fat as fuck dot com models everywhere – who are fat as fuck – and accept being fat – even celebrate being fat – despite being fat – and scientifically proven to die prematurely, probably a good thing when it comes to women…you know expiry dates or some shit….I am a huge fan of skinny models, I fucking love skinny, there is nothing hotter than bones and skin, no muscle, just skinny…. But even this is almost too skinny, something I’d never think was possible….and actually isn’t possible, but when I look at her non existent ass in this pants…it’s just weird looking…. But at least she’s not fat….getting up and ready for that VS Infomercial fashion show you know… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Romee Strijid Skinny Model Ass at the Airport of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Romee Strijid Skinny Model Ass at the Airport of the Day

Natalie Portman’s got Some Balls at her Tennis Lessons of the Day

Watching Natalie Portman take her tennis lessons very seriously, and I’ve decided that it’s a new fetish… She’s so fucking bad, and Tennis is potentially such a hot sport, one of my favorite women’s sports to watch, it’s pornographic and erotic with all the grunts…but seeing her struggle hitting the balls, that she’s really trying to get good at, do with style, probably for some movie role, or maybe it’s just to celebrate that jews are allowed into the country club…whatever her motivation…I’m assuming money and not personal improvement is pretty hilarious…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Natalie Portman’s got Some Balls at her Tennis Lessons of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Natalie Portman’s got Some Balls at her Tennis Lessons of the Day

Demi Lovato in a Slutty Outfit of the Day

Demi Lovato is bullshit, I mean the fact I know who Demi Lovato is, also bullshit, I wish I didn’t know who she was, I have no business knowing who she is, yet here I am analyzing her existence like it matters… I have never met one person who has ever brought up Demi Lovato in conversation. I have never met one person who has gone to a Demi Lovato concert. I have never heard a Demi Lovato song….yet she is some rich LA idiot who makes money…because people, I’m assuming hispanic people…buy into her shit.. I do know that she was a lesbian, who is rumored to have a sex tape with Miley Cyrus from years ago – shot in Nashville, you know Disney Girls gone bad….I do know she went off the rails, became an addict, and positioned herself as bi-polar, it’s forgiving when you blame mental health, I also know she never took ownership on being a lesbian, but she was very bull dyke, as she promoted body positivity, no make-up, be fat be beautiful, eat sugar, die….but be annoying the entire time you do it…then she gets dumbed by her 70s show boyfriend, and all of a sudden is working out, is fit, despite body positivity, fucking Ryan Phillippe till 5AM, and now walking around ass out in a leotard….because it’s Halloween…and a good excuse even if she’s a slut everyday. Videos? The post Demi Lovato in a Slutty Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Demi Lovato in a Slutty Outfit of the Day

SFW Cam Girls of the Week the Halloween Edition of the Day

Since I don’t leave the house…not even on Halloween. Since I am addicted to Cam girls….everyday of the week…. Since Halloween is awesome for all the slutty costumes…Since Cam Girls are exhibitionists who cleverly tease men into tipping them….and treat everyday like Halloween in their seduction….they’d go extra hard for Halloween… I figured the two coming together, like you and your friends from the internet over a brand new bikini pic of Bella Thorne that dropped, was where I wanted to spend my Halloween night… Cam girls are hot…Halloween is Hotter…Cam Girls and Halloween is hottest… So I sat and watched and captured these magical, spooky moments….and the best thing about them is knowing that these girls get naked…and shove things in their assholes… Visit my friends at MyFreeCams for the Best in Cam Girls and to See All These Girls Get Naked CLCIK HERE The post SFW Cam Girls of the Week the Halloween Edition of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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SFW Cam Girls of the Week the Halloween Edition of the Day

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers by Terry Richardson of the Day

I ALREADY POSTED SOME OF THESE PICS BUT I LIKE Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers enough to post them again….this time with more So this is a Terry Richardson shoot, because Terry is back, but barely…because this shit is boring….he used to take pictures of party girls inserting things in their assholes wearing clown costumes – and called it art – and the world believed… Instead he’s got a girl in a field…and the only thing this shoot has going for it, is Anna Ewers, who is one letter away from Sewers….carries it, while barely carrying herself, pelvic forward and slouching, pussy first… in her own brand of modeling style, because German women are pragmatic…possible created by genetic research done during Nazi Germany years….superior beings created in the aryan image Hilter dreamed of….I mean at least based on what this girl looks like…she’s top notch…and that alone must stem from evil. The post Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers by Terry Richardson of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers by Terry Richardson of the Day

Victoria Justice & Madison Reed in Bathing Suits of the Day

Victoria Justice has a great fucking body….she’s with her sister “Madison Reed” in TULUM for these unstaged social media pics to keep you all remembering who Victoria Justice is… For those of you who aren’t perverts who watch shows for pre-pubescents, she was the star of some show called Victorious – a show that created a bunch of these young whores creepy dudes a lot that are dads jerk off to – including Ariana Grande – the worst human ever, and it’s safe to say this bitch probably hates Grande more than any of us, since Grande is more famous and successful than her, despite the show she came up on being named after this one! OMG! THE DRAMA… She’s got a great, fit, young, lean, amazing body, and I don’t really give a fuck about more than just these pics…there are hot chicks everywhere…why feed the egos of this shit The post Victoria Justice & Madison Reed in Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria Justice & Madison Reed in Bathing Suits of the Day

Chole Grace Moretz is a Hillbilly of the Day

Super famous working actress Chloe Grace Moretz dressed like a Beverly Hillbilly and posted it on her social media…I figure it is one of her better pictures because we don’t have to see her shitty tits that David Beckham’s son cums all over, and we can focus on the farmer’s daughter fetish with think of when we see this Moretz…who isn’t a farmer’s daughter – but rather a plastic surgeon’s daughter – from Georgia who allowed her to live the actor life – because that’s what upper middle class rich people do…they finance their kids to do bullshit and sometimes it works.. I know there are a lot of Chloe Grace Moretz pervert fans out there and this probably really excites you…so if it makes your life better, it makes me feel like I’ve done my job, despite being unemployed and having terrible work ethic… The post Chole Grace Moretz is a Hillbilly of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chole Grace Moretz is a Hillbilly of the Day

Maria Menounos Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Since Maria Menounos is greek, I don’t know if we can call her ass her ass or if we have to call it a vagina – since every greek woman I’ve had sex with has lived up to the legacy of their historical and cultureal commitment to anal sex….from philosophers and great thinkers banging young boys they taught…to the ghetto diner owner’s daughter…anal sex is as greek as Souvlaki…and if you’ve ever fucked a real greek girl she’ll ask you to use olive oil as lube, like it’s one of their grandmother’s tradition passed on generation to generation, or they’ll just let you go in raw – becuase all the olive oil they eat keeps their assholes well lubricated… Someone should do scientific research on this, because I swear, it’s fact… Maria Menounos is not interesting, she’s just a failed celebrity who ended up in a cheesy entertainment show, but she is household as a name – to perverts who had to watch the show…Mary Hart to this generation of perverts…but she’s pushing 40 and like all greek women in their 40s…her ass is fucking huge and that alone is more than enough to stare at… The post Maria Menounos Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maria Menounos Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Here’s a squat train…. I don’t know whether that’s a thing or not…it’s like Human Centipede but not because their mouths are attached to their assholes…but because you know if you’re this close to high maintenance, demanding, annoying Beyonce, you’re going be eating a whole lot of shit… Leave it up to Beyonce to forget she’s an old washed up mom…and to squeeze in a leotard and blame it on “Love Your Body”…when really she just wants to porn out herself and feel sexy in a world where her husband fucks groupies…. FUN! If by fun I mean pathetic..trying hard…yet cashing in…..which I do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER IN A LEOTARD CLICK HERE TO SEE HER PERFORM WITH ED SHEERAN THIS WEEKEND – WHERE THE LEOTARD PICS WERE TAKEN – GOD WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CLICK HERE The post Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Selena Gomez Ass of the Day

You’re probably looking at Selena Gomez’s ass, trying to decide how many times Bieber came in it, maybe even wondering if he took her anal virginity, or if that happened in an office at Disney when her mom was treating those early auditions as if they were “doctor visits”, in a “this will only hurt a minute”….”do it for our Mexican Familey”….but I keep looking at her puffy little face that makes me laugh.. She looks like a Disney Cartoon character, and I doubt that is a coincidence, they probably made her in a lab…and her tits aren’t the only fake thing on her… Sure they pretend it is Lupus meds, the steroids making her inflate…but there’s no fun in that story…I mean that almost makes me feel bad, seeing as I know people who died prematurely from Lupus…but when you separate real life, and these idiots living the fantasy life…who gives a fuck if they have a terminal illness, when you can just laugh at their face. TO SEE THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Selena Gomez Ass of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Ass of the Day