Tag Archives: thing-or-not

Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Here’s a squat train…. I don’t know whether that’s a thing or not…it’s like Human Centipede but not because their mouths are attached to their assholes…but because you know if you’re this close to high maintenance, demanding, annoying Beyonce, you’re going be eating a whole lot of shit… Leave it up to Beyonce to forget she’s an old washed up mom…and to squeeze in a leotard and blame it on “Love Your Body”…when really she just wants to porn out herself and feel sexy in a world where her husband fucks groupies…. FUN! If by fun I mean pathetic..trying hard…yet cashing in…..which I do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER IN A LEOTARD CLICK HERE TO SEE HER PERFORM WITH ED SHEERAN THIS WEEKEND – WHERE THE LEOTARD PICS WERE TAKEN – GOD WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CLICK HERE The post Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Here’s a squat train…. I don’t know whether that’s a thing or not…it’s like Human Centipede but not because their mouths are attached to their assholes…but because you know if you’re this close to high maintenance, demanding, annoying Beyonce, you’re going be eating a whole lot of shit… Leave it up to Beyonce to forget she’s an old washed up mom…and to squeeze in a leotard and blame it on “Love Your Body”…when really she just wants to porn out herself and feel sexy in a world where her husband fucks groupies…. FUN! If by fun I mean pathetic..trying hard…yet cashing in…..which I do. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF HER IN A LEOTARD CLICK HERE TO SEE HER PERFORM WITH ED SHEERAN THIS WEEKEND – WHERE THE LEOTARD PICS WERE TAKEN – GOD WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO CLICK HERE The post Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the original post here:
Beyonce’s Squat Train to Inspire You of the DAy

Rachel Yampolsky for Mikel Roberts of the Day

I am guessing that Model Rachel Yampolsky is barely a model, but rather an instagram model, who happens to have agencies represent her, because she’s hot, and why not sign her, it’s not like it costs money to do, and it gives these girls credibility.. Well, it turns out that she’s taken the route of all instagram models who matter, and got herself naked for Photographer mikel roberts … And whether she’s relevant or not, making money or not, the next big thing or not…she’s naked…and that is always something I encourage and would like to participate in…with my mouth, fingers, and even my micro clit sized penis.. That said, what she is proving is that the world is full of hot girls who feel hot enough to take hot pics…making the girls making money being hot girls…less relevant, and more affordable…and that’s a good thing…just not as good as her young tits. The post Rachel Yampolsky for Mikel Roberts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rachel Yampolsky for Mikel Roberts of the Day

Bieber Licking Stripper Nipple of the Day

I was talking to a porn chick who agreed with the rumors I heard that Bieber had a huge penis, however, she had a friend who fucked him and apparently he lasted 20 seconds…if that makes you feel better about him being more man than you…not that his level of manliness even matters because he’s rich and famous and can’t even fuck 1% of the girls who want to fuck him, whether he had a herpes outbreak or not… That said, here he is sucking stripper nipple with his homie, doing what user taught him, you know not gay if there are a set of implants in the mix and you each have a tit, even if the bitch has a dick… Boom. Here’s an attempt of hetero proving gone wrong.

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Bieber Licking Stripper Nipple of the Day

Banned Carl’s Jr Big Sausage Breakfast Ad of the DAy

I am pretty sure this is a parody of a Carl’s Jr Ad…but when parodies are properly executed, like this Big Sausage Breakfast eroticism…it is safe to say it doesn’t matter if it is the real thing or not…it’s like a good set of implants…who give a fuck if they are real or not..as long as they are smothering my motherfucking face..

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Banned Carl’s Jr Big Sausage Breakfast Ad of the DAy

Rihanna Mullet Pixie Cut: The Best (Worst) Hairstyle Ever?

Rihanna’s new mullet pixie cut hybrid hairstyle is a sight to behold. Whether that’s a good thing or not is subject to interpretation … It’s as if Rihanna decided to see the Beyonce bob haircut and raise her a mullet. That’ll show Bey who the real coiffure chameleon is on the web! Just a few weeks ago, Rihanna natural hair photos dazzled us on Instagram. Feels like ages ago, having seen this rocker style … or whatever it is. In the photo above, the 25-year-old appears in a matching sports bra and bottoms with elastic that read “G4Life” (from her River Island Collection). While waiting for her order at the counter at McDonald’s … obviously, right? Business, Big Macs and sometimes Rihanna nude in front. Party in back.

The rest is here:
Rihanna Mullet Pixie Cut: The Best (Worst) Hairstyle Ever?

Eau de la Simon Cowell

We can’t say from personal experience whether this is a good thing or not… But Simon Cowell is set to launch a brand of aftershave along with fellow X-Factor judges Louis Walsh and Dannii Minogue.

Guys in Ties: Hot or Knot?

Robert Pattinson and Ed Westwick are up to their necks in neckties, and we are left to wonder whether this is a good thing or not. Sure, these gents look dapper, but these debonair duds…

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Guys in Ties: Hot or Knot?